Tech Report Instructions

Submitting a Tech Report

Send an email to requesting a Tech Report number. The request should include the title, author and a PDF copy of full report, including the abstract.

A faculty member must approve any Tech Report. This should be the student’s advisor or co-author on the paper. Failing that the Director of Grad Studies should review the paper and make the approval decision.

A Tech Report number is then assigned and emailed to the author requesting the number.

The author prepares a cover page (using this template), inserts it at the beginning of Tech Report and creates a PDF file of the complete document. The author must then submit the revised PDF. A Postscript file may also be included, as an additional item, but the PDF file is required.

The Tech Report is then entered into the repository and linked to the web page.

MS Theses and PhD Dissertations

It is a School of Computing policy that all theses and dissertations will be submitted as Tech Reports. These Tech Reports are submitted as above but will be maintained as a separate list.

Number Title Authors Report
2024 Technical Reports
UUCS 24-001 Expanding Fuzzing of Critical Program Configurations via Coverage-Based Differential Testing David Clark pdf
UUCS 24-002 Predicting Winter Fog over Complex Terrain using Machine Learning Grace Liu pdf
UUCS 24-003 Random Testing of theWebAssembly System Interface Ethan Stanley pdf
UUCS 24-004 Examining Compositional Behavior in Large Language Models Jordan Tan pdf
UUCS 24-005 Exploring the Embedding Methods in Genomic Language Models Anisa Habib pdf
UUCS 24-006 Babysteps: Reflection on Launching a Mobile App Emily Best pdf
UUCS 24-007 Natural Language Guided Goals for Robotic Manipulation Andrew Nichols Crawford Taylor pdf
UUCS 24-008 Chop-SAT in Non-Euclidean Geometry Thatcher Geary pdf
UUCS 24-009 The Automation of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Traffic Management Calibration Based on Experimental Platform Data Thomas C. Henderson, David Sacharny, Chad Mello, and William Raley pdf
2023 Technical Reports
UUCS 23-001 Singleton Elimination: A Geometric Approach to Boolean Satisfiability Ishaan Rajan pdf
UUCS 23-002 CHOPSAT: Feasible Region Properties Amelia Lessen pdf
UUCS 23-003 GEO-SAT: A Geometric Approach to Satisfiability Thomas C. Henderson, David Sacharny, Xiuyi Fan, Amar Mitiche and Thatcher Geary pdf
UUCS 23-004 Code in the Hands of Non-Computer Scientists: An Investigation of Coding Practices in Scientific Research at the University of Utah Nathaniel Lanza pdf
2022 Technical Reports
UUCS 22-001 C Split Globally: High Performance Convolution Kernels for CNNs Erik Barton pdf
UUCS 22-002 Algebraic Reconstruction Optimization through Precomputation of Weights Matrix Jared Green pdf
UUCS 22-003 An Interval Arithmetic for Robust Error Estimation Oliver Flatt pdf
UUCS 22-004 Semiblind Calibration of Gain and Drift in a Sensor Network Using Gaussian Processes Zachary Bastiani pdf
UUCS 22-005 Multi-Modal Air Trajectory Traffic Management Thomas C. Henderson, David Sacharny, and Vista Marston pdf
2021 Technical Reports
UUCS 21-001 Enhancing Automated Testing Capabilities on Non Platform-Dependent Mobile Applications Hannah M. Palma pdf
UUCS 21-002 BOTM: Basestation-on-the-Move, A Radio Access Network Management Primitive Aashish Gottopati pdf
UUCS 21-003 Compiler and Runtime Support for HAMTS Sona Torosyan pdf
UUCS 21-004 Neural Network Application in Hyperspectral and Multilevel Diffractive Lens Imaging Alexander Hamrick pdf
UUCS 21-005 Inference over Knowledge Representations Automatically Generated from Medical Texts with Applications in Healthcare Robotics Laura Brannan pdf
UUCS 21-006 Formal Verification of Dynamic Web Pages Skyler Griffith pdf
UUCS 21-007 Performance Prediction for Learning to Rank Systems Aaron Goh pdf
UUCS 21-008 Modeling Expressive Musical Performance with Transformers: An Empirical Error Study Richard W Timpson pdf
UUCS 21-009 Adaptive Covers of the Mapper Graph using Information Theory Nithin Chalapathi pdf
UUCS 21-010 Structural Rounding on a Parameterized Graph Class using Heuristics Cole Perschon pdf
UUCS 21-011 MULTIAGR: A Technique for Aggregating Multivariate Networks Pranav Rajan pdf
UUCS 21-012 On-Demand Virtual Highways for Dense UAS Operations David Sacharny, Thomas C. Henderson and Vista Marston pdf
UUCS 21-013 Definitional Templating: A Novel Approach to Modeling the Compositional Semantics of Noun Compounds Adam Davies pdf
UUCS 21-014 Augmenting Code Pattern Detection with Software Verification and Examining How Teaching Assistants Interact with Student Code Structure Matthew Hooper pdf
UUCS 21-015 On Developing Efficient and Robust Neural Networks for Healthcare using Condensa Model Compression System Keaton Rowley pdf
UUCS 21-016 Some Explorations in SAT Thomas C. Henderson, Amar Mitiche, Xiuyi Fan, and David Sacharny pdf
UUCS 21-017 Asynchronous Distributed IOT-Enabled Customer Characterization in Distribution Networks: Theory and Hardware Implementation Andrew Campbell pdf
2020 Technical Reports
UUCS 20-001 DynaJET: Dynamic Java Efficiency
Karl Taht, Ivan Mitic, Adam Barth, Emilio
Vecchio, Sameer Agarwal, Rajeev Balasubramonian, Ryan Stutsman
UUCS 20-002 Addressing Novice Coding Patterns: Evaluating and Improving a Tool for Code Analysis and Feedback Jacqulyn MacHardy Anderson pdf
UUCS 20-003 Optimized Code Generation for Deep Learning Networks using LATTE and SWIRL Janaan Lake pdf
UUCS 20-004 Partial-Order Ambiguous Observations of Fluents and Actions for Goal Recognition as Planning Jennifer Nelson pdf
UUCS 20-005 Learning Physical Commonsense Knowledge Carlos E. Jimenez pdf
UUCS 20-006 Using Domain Compilation to add
Belief to Narrative Planners
Matthew Christensen pdf
UUCS 20-007 Practical and Configurable Network
Traffic Classification using Probabilistic Machine Learning
Jiahui Chen pdf
UUCS 20-008 Using Existential Theory of the
Reals to Bound VC-Dimension
Austin Watkins pdf
UUCS 20-009 Robotic Grasp Control using Tactile
August John Bull pdf
UUCS 20-010 An Efficient Strategic Deconfliction
Algorithm for Large-Scale UAS Traffic Management
David Sacharny, Thomas C. Henderson and Michael Cline pdf
UUCS 20-011 Transformer-Based Observers in Psychotherapy Tarun Sunkaraneni pdf
UUCS 20-012 Applying Neural Network Compression to the Transformer Abhi Mayur Dubal pdf
UUCS 20-013 Reinforcement Learning at the Cognitive Level in a Belief, Desire, Intention UAS Agent David Sacharny, Thomas C. Henderson, Michael Cline and Ben Russon pdf
UUCS 20-014 Analysis of Transparency within the Utah Criminal Justice System Jess Campbell pdf
UUCS 20-015 An Application of the Randomized Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to Polynomial and Radial Basis Function (RBF) Approximations Hannah Bruns pdf
2019 Technical Reports
UUCS 19-001 Creating Hybrid B-Reps and Hybrid
Volume Completions from Trimmed
B-Spline B-Reps
Yang Song and Elaine Cohen pdf
UUCS 19-002 Leager Programming Anthony Chyr pdf
UUCS 19-003 Computing and Visualizing the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition in Python Rui Luo pdf
UUCS 19-004 A Topological Framework for Semi-Automoatic Neuron Tracing in Virtual Realityn Torin McDonald pdf
UUCS 19-005 An Efficient Strategic Deconfliction Algorithm for Lane-Based Large-Scale UAV Flight Planning Thomas C. Henderson, David Sacharny and Michael Cline pdf
UUCS 19-007 Probabilistic Streaming Tensor Decomposition with Side Information Yimin Zheng pdf
UUCS 19-008 Improving Authentication and Authorization on SynBioHub Zachary M. Zundel pdf
UUCS 19-009 Extended Numeric Representations in Web Assembly Scott Butler pdf
UUCS 19-010 Common Sub-Expression Elimination using Subtree Isomorphisms Robert King pdf
2018 Technical Reports
UUCS 18-001 SimTRaX: Simulation Infrastructure for Exploring Thousands of Cores Konstantin Shkurko, Tim Grant, Erik Brunvand, Daniel Kopta, Josef Spjut, Elena Vasiou, Ian Mallett, Cem Yuksel pdf
UUCS 18-002 Effects of Postprocessing on Topology of FMRI Connectivity in Spatial and Temporal Domains Keri Anderson pdf
UUCS 18-003 Analyzing Simultaneous Iterations Benwei Shi pdf
UUCS 18-004 Data-Driven Secret Santa Giorgi Kvernadze pdf
UUCS 18-005 Monitoring the Update Time of Virtual Firewalls in the Cloud Hyunwook Baek, Eric Eide, Robert Ricci and Jacobus Van der Merwe pdf
UUCS 18-006 Using NILS to Solve Probabilistic Satisfiability for CNF Knowledge Bases Thomas C. Henderson and Michael Cline pdf
UUCS 18-007 Automated Database Workload Characterization, Mapping, and Tuning through Machine Learning Madeline MacDonald pdf
UUCS 18-008 Fairness Learning in Semi-Supervised Setting Jie Zhang pdf
2017 Technical Reports
UUCS 17-001 A Preliminary Study of Probabilistic Argumentation Thomas C. Henderson, Amar Mitiche, Robert Simmons, and Xiuyi Fan pdf
UUCS 17-002 Consistency-Aware Scheduling for Weakly Consistent Programs Maryam Dabahchian, Zvonimir Rakamaric, Burcu Kulahcioglu Ozkan, Erdal Mutlu. Serdar Tasiran pdf
UUCS 17-003 Evaluating Relationships between Vector Spaces of Word Embeddings Safia Hassan pdf
2016 Technical Reports
UUCS 16-001 Laying a Foundation for the Graphical Course Map Linda DuHadway and Thomas C. Henderson pdf
2015 Technical Reports
UUCS 15-001 Rigorous Estimation of Floating-Point Round-off Errors with Symbolic Taylor Expansions Alexey Solovyev, Charles Jacobsen, Zvonimir Rakamaric, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS 15-002 Informing Change: Course Content Analysis and Organization Linda DuHadway and Thomas C. Henderson pdf
UUCS 15-003 Android Malware Detection Based on System Calls Marko Dimjasevic, Simone Atzeni,Ivo Ugrina, Zvonimir Rakamaric pdf
2014 Technical Reports
UUCS 14-001 SLAMBOT: Structural Health Monitoring Robot using Lamb Waves Wenyi Wang, Thomas C. Henderson, Anshul Joshi and Edward Grant pdf
UUCS 14-002 A Similarity-Based Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Adversarial Android Malware Doaa Hassan, Matthew Might, Vivek Srikumar pdf
2013 Technical Reports
UUCS 13-001 Predicting Visibility in Designs of Public Spaces Daniel Kersten, Robert Shakespeare, and William Thompson pdf
UUCS 13-003 Model Accuracy Assessment in Reaction-Diffusion Pattern Formation in Wireless Sensor Networks Thomas Henderson, Anshul Joshi, Kirril Rashkeev, and Narong Boonsirisumpun (University of Utah) Kyle Luthy and Edward Grant (North Carolina State University) pdf
UUCS 13-004 The Cognitive Symmetry Engine Thomas Henderson, Anshul Joshi, Wenyi Wang pdf
UUCS 13-005 Robot Cognition using Bayesian Symmetry Networks Anshul Joshi, Thomas Henderson, Wenyi Wang pdf
2012 Technical Reports
UUCS 12-001 Efficient Nonlinear Optimization via Multiscale Gradient Filtering Tobias Martin, Pushkar Joshi, Miklos Bergou, Nathan Carr pdf
UUCS 12-002 Kinodynamic RRT*: Optimal Motion Planning forSystems with Linear Differential Constraints Dustin Webb and Jur van den Berg pdf
UUCS 12-005 From Sensorimotor Data to Concepts: The Role of Symmetry Thomas C. Henderson and Anshul Joshi, University of Utah & Edward Grant,North Carolina State University pdf
2011 Technical Reports
UUCS 11-001 Symmetry: A Basis for Sensorimotor Reconstruction Thomas Henderson, Hongchang Peng, Chistopher Sikoski, Nikhil Deshpande, Eddie Grant pdf
UUCS 11-002 Fast, Effective BVH Updates for Dynamic Ray-Traced Scenes Using Tree Rotations Daniel Kopta, Andrew Kensler, Thiago Ize,Josef Spjut, Erik Brunvand, Al Davis pdf
2010 Technical Reports
UUCS 10-004 A Study of Pierce’s Group Generator Thomas Henderson, Hongchang Peng pdf
2009 Technical Reports
UUCS 09-001 Source Characterization of Atmospheric Releases using Quasi-Random Sampling and Gradient Optimization Bhagirath Addepalli (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), Christopher Sikorski (School of Computing) and Eric R. Pardyjak (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering) pdf
UUCS 09-002 Interference Aware Cache Designs for Operating System Execution D. Nellans, R. Balasubramonian, E. Brunvand pdf
UUCS 09-003 Formal Specification of MPI 2.0: Case Study in Specifying a Practical Concurrent Programming API Guodong Li, Robert Palmer, Michael DeLisi, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Robert M. Kirby pdf
UUCS 09-004 Innate Theories as a Basis for Autonomous Mental Development Thomas Henderson, Xiuyi Fan, Aniesha Alford, Edward Grant, Elaine Cohen pdf
UUCS 09-005 Symmetry as an Organizational Principle in Cognitive Sensor Networks Thomas Henderson, Xiuyi Fan, Sanjai Devnani, Sidharth Kumar, Elaine Cohen, Edward Grant pdf
UUCS 09-006 A Note on Optimal Algorithms for Fixed Points S.Shellman, K. Sikorski pdf
UUCS 09-007 GEM: Graphical Explorer for MPI Programs Alan Humphrey, Christopher Derrick, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan and Beth Tibbits pdf
2008 Technical Reports
UUCS 08-001 Scalable, Reliable, Power-Efficient Communication for Hardware Transactional Memory Seth H. Pugsley, Manu Awasthi, Niti Madan, Naveen Muralimanohar, Rajeev Balasubramonian pdf
UUCS 08-002 Automating the Design of Embedded Domain Specific Accelerators Karthik Ramani, Al Davis pdf
UUCS 08-004 Inspect”: A Runtime Model Checker for Multithreaded C Programs Yu Yang, Xiafang Chen, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS 08-005 An Interface Aware Guided Research Method for Error-trace Jusitification in Large Protocols Xiafang Chen, Yu Yang, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS 08-007 Method of Generated Solutions as a Numerical Verification Tool for Ice Code Polina Milyavskaya, Christopher Sikorski, Todd Harman pdf
UUCS 08-008 Pattern Formation inWireless Sensor Networks Thomas C. Henderson, Kyle Luthy, Edward Grant pdf
UUCS 08-009 A Collective Approach to Harness Idle Resources Sachin Goyal and John Carter pdf
UUCS 08-0010 Ensuring Prolonged Participation and Deterring Cheating Behaviors in a Collective Sachin Goyal and John Carter pdf
UUCS 08-0011 VISPACK Ross Whitaker pdf
2007 Technical Reports
UUCS-07-001 Expressive Rendering of Mountainous Terrain Margarita Bratkova, Peter Shirley, William B. Thompson pdf
UUCS-07-002 Precision On Demand: An Improvement in Probabilistic Igor Mellatti, Robert Palmer, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-07-003 Computational Sensor Networks Thomas C. Henderson, Christopher Sikorski, Edward Grant, Kyle Luthy pdf
UUCS-07-004 Visual Summary Statistics Kristin Potter, Joe Kniss, and Richard Riesenfeld pdf
UUCS-07-005 3D Line Textures and the Visualization of Confidence in Architecture Kristin Potter, Amy Gooch, Bruce Gooch, Peter Willemsen, Joe Kniss, Richard Riesenfeld and Peter Shirley pdf
UUCS-07-006 The Method of Generated Solutions for Numerical Verification of ICE Code Amjidanutpan Ramanujam, Christopher Sikorski, Todd Harman pdf
UUCS-07-007 Selected Fixed Point Problems and Algorithms Ch. Booniasirivat, K. Sikorski, and Ch. Xiong pdf
UUCS-07-008 Runtime Model Checking of Multithread C/C++ Programs Yu Yang, Xiaofang Chen, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, and Robert M. Kirby pdf
UUCS-07-009 RobotShare : a Framework for Robot Knowledge Sharing Xiuyi Fan and Thomas C. Henderson pdf
UUCS-07-010 A Fast IterativeMethod for a Class of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations on Parallel Systems Won-Ki Jeong and Ross T. Whitaker pdf
UUCS-07-013 Linguisitic Support for Unit Testing Kathy Gray and Matthias Felleisen pdf
UUCS-07-015 A Survey of MPI Related Debuggers and Tools Subdh Sharma, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan and Robert M. Kirby pdf
UUCS-07-016 Commit Algorithms for Scalable Hardware Transactional Memory Seth H. Pugsley and Rajeev Balasubramonian pdf
2006 Technical Reports
UUCS-06-001 Refactoring SPIN for Safety Robert Palmer and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-06-002 Predicate Abstraction for Murphi Xiaofang Chen and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-06-003 Bounded Transaction Model Checking Xiaofang Chen and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-06-006 Video Based Animal Behavior Analysis Xinwei Xue and Thomas C. Henderson pdf
UUCS-06-007 Memory Safety and Untrusted Extensions for TinyOS John Regehr, Nathan Cooprider, Will Archer and Eric Eide pdf
UUCS-06-010 Geometric and Arithmetic Culling Methods for Entire Ray Packets Solomon Boulos, Ingo Wald, and Pete Shirley pdf
UUCS-06-012 The Communication Semantics of the Message Passing Interface Robert Palmer, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Mike Kirby pdf
UUCS-06-013 Packet-based Whitted and Distribution Ray Tracing Solomon Boulos, Dave Edwards, J. Dylan Lacewell, Jan Kautz, Ingo Wald, and Pete Shirley pdf
UUCS-06-014 A General Compositional Approach to Verifying Hierarchial Cache Coherence Protocols Xiaofang Chen and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
2005 Technical Reports
UUCS-05-001 Monte Carlo Sensor Networks Thomas C. Henderson, Brandt Erickson, Travis Longoria, Eddie Grant, Kyle Luthy, Leonardo Mattos, and Matt Craver pdf
UUCS-05-002 An Interactive Parallel Multiprocessor Level-Set Solver with Dynamic Load Balancing Suyash P. Awate and Ross T. Whitaker pdf
UUCS-05-003 Effects of Stereo Viewing Conditions on Distance Perception in Virtual Environments Peter Willemsen, Amy A. Gooch, William B. Thompson, and Sarah H. Creem-Regehr pdf
UUCS-05-004 Emerging Trends: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics TPHOLs 2004 pdf
UUCS-05-005 Higher-Order Image Statistics for Unsupervised, Information-Theoretic, Adaptive, Image Filtering Suyash P. Awate and Ross T. Whitaker pdf
UUCS-05-007 Nonparametric Neighborhood Statistics for MRI Denoising Suyash P. Awate and Ross T. Whitaker pdf
UUCS-05-008 Nonparametric Statistics of Image Neighborhoods for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Suyash P. Awate, Tolga Tasdizen, and Ross T. Whitaker pdf
UUCS-05-009 On the Decidability of Shared Memory Consistency Verification Ali Sezgin and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-05-010 Power-Efficient Approaches to Reliability Niti Madan, Rajeev Balasubramonian pdf
2004 Technical Reports
UUCS-04-001 A Comparison of Jiazzi and AspectJ for Feature-wise Decomposition Bin Xin, Sean McDirmid, Eric Eide, and Wilson C. Hsieh pdf
UUCS-04-003 Interactive Volume Rendering of Large Datasets using the Silicon Graphics Onyx4 Visualization System Christiaan Gribble, Steven Parker, and Charles Hansen/td> pdf
UUCS-04-004 Dynamic CPU Management for Real-Time, Middleware-Based Systems Eric Eide, Tim Stack, John Regehr, and Jay Lepreau pdf
UUCS-04-006 Case Study: An Evaluation of User-Assisted Hierarchical Watershed Segmentation Joshua E. Cates, Ross T. Whitaker, Greg M. Jones pdf
UUCS-04-007 GIST: An Interactive GPU-Based Level Set Segmentation Tool For 3D Medical Images Joshua E. Cates, Aaron E. Lefohn, Ross T. Whitaker pdf
UUCS-04-008 Verification of MPI Programs Using Spin Steven Barrus, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Robert M. Kirby, Robert Palmer pdf
UUCS-04-013 Image Denoising with Unsupervised, Information-Theoretic, Adaptive Filtering Suyash P. Awate and Ross T. Whitaker Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, School of Computing, University of Utah pdf
UUCS-04-014 Visualization and Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Fields Gordon Kindlmannn pdf
UUCS-04-015 An Introduction to the Sundance and Autoslog Systems Ellen Riloff and William Phillips pdf
UUCS-04-016 Flexible Consistency for Wide Area Peer Replication Sai Susarla and John Carter pdf
UUCS-04-017 Middleware Support for Locality-aware Wide area Replication Sai Susarla and John Carter pdf
UUCS-04-018 An O(1) Time Complexity Software Barrier Liqun Cheng and John B. Carter pdf
UUCS-04-019 A Hole-Filling Algorithm for Triangular Meshes Lavanya Sita Tekumalla, Elaine Cohen pdf
UUCS-04-020 Reverse Engineering of Pipe Layouts and 3D Point Set Damage Models David Gallup and Thomas Henderson pdf
2003 Technical Reports
UUCS-03-001 Random Walk Based Heuristic Algorithms for Distributed Memory Model Checking. Hemanthkumar Sivaraj and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-03-002 A Gaussian Accelerator for Sphinx 3. Binu K. Mathew, Al Davis, Zhen Fang pdf
UUCS-03-003 From Motes to Java Stamps: Smart Sensor Network Testbeds. Thomas C. Henderson, Jong-Chun Park, Nate Smith and Richard Wright pdf
UUCS-03-004 Interactive, GPU-Based Level Sets for 3D Brain Tumor Segmentation. Aaron E. Lefohn, Joshua E. Cates, Ross T. Whitaker pdf
UUCS-03-005 Interactive Deformation and Visualization of Level Set Surfaces using Graphics Hardware. Aaron E. Lefohn, Joe M. Kniss, Charles D. Hansen, Ross T. Whitaker pdf
UUCS-03-006 Cramer-Rao Bounds for Nonparametric Surface Reconstruction from Range Data. Tolga Tasdizen and Ross Whitaker pdf
UUCS-03-007 Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstruction. Tolga Tasdizen and Ross Whitaker pdf
UUCS-03-008 Penumbra Maps. Chris Wyman and Charles Hansen pdf
UUCS-03-009 Interactive Raytraced Caustics. Chris Wyman, Charles Hansen, Peter Shirley pdf
UUCS-03-010 Analyzing the Intel Itanium Memory Ordering Rules Using LogicProgramming and SAT. Yue Yang, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Gary Lindstrom, Konrad Slind pdf
UUCS-03-011 UVSIM User Manual (version 1.0) Lixin Zhang pdf
UUCS-03-012 Perceiving Virtual Geographical Slant: Action Influences Perception. Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Amy A. Gooch, Cynthia S. Sahm, and William B. Thompson pdf
UUCS-03-013 Closed-Form Approximations to the Volume Rendering Integral with Gaussian Transfer Functions. Joe Kniss, Simon Premoze, Milan Ikits, Aaron Lefohn and Charles Hansen pdf
UUCS-03-014 A Characterization of Visual Feature Recognition Binu K. Mathew, Al Davis, Robert Evans pdf
UUCS-03-015 A Generic Operational Memory Model Specification Framework for Multithreaded Program Verification Yue Yang, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, and Gary Lindstrom pdf
UUCS-03-016 The Influence of Restricted Viewing Conditions on Egocentric Distance Perception: Implications for Real and Virtual Environments. Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Peter Willemsen, Amy A. Gooch, and William B. Thompson pdf
UUCS-03-017 Cluster-Based Interactive Volume Rendering with Simian Christiaan Gribble, Xavier Cavin, Mark Hartner, and Charles Hansen pdf
UUCS-03-018 Explicit and Persistent Knowledge in Engineering Drawing Analysis Thomas C. Henderson pdf
UUCS-03-019 Nemos: A Framework for Axiomatic and Executable Specifications of Memory Consistency Models Yue Yang, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Gary Lindstrom, and Konrad Slind pdf
UUCS-03-020 Khazana: A Flexible Wide Area Data Store Sai Susarla and John Carter pdf
UUCS-03-021 Fast and Accurate NN Approach for Multi-Event Annotation of Time Series Brijesh Garabadu, Cindi Thompson, Gary Lindstrom, Joe Klewicki pdf
UUCS-03-022 Reaction-Diffusion Patterns in Smart Sensor Networks Thomas C. Henderson, Ramya Venkataraman and Gyounghwa Choikim pdf
UUCS-03-023 Scheme 2003: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming Matthew Flatt pdf
UUCS-03-024 DataStations: Ubiquitous Transient Storage for Mobile Users Sai Susarla and John Carter pdf
UUCS-03-025 Composable Consistency for Large-scale Peer Replication Sai Susarla and John Carter pdf
UUCS-03-026 Rigorous Concurrency Analysis of Multithreaded Programs Yue Yang, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, and Gary Lindstrom pdf
UUCS-03-027 A Path-Precise Analysis for Property Synthesis Sean McDirmid and Wilson C. Hsieh pdf
UUCS-03-028 A Symbolic Partial Order Reduction Algorithm for Rule Based Transitions Systems Ritwik Bhattacharya, Steven German, and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
2002 Technical Reports
UUCS-02-001 Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images. Erik Reinhard, Michael Stark, Peter Shirley, Jim Ferwerda pdf
UUCS-02-002 Perception-Driven Black-and-White Drawings and Caricatures. Bruce Gooch, Erik Reinhard, Amy Gooch pdf
UUCS-02-003 Geometric Surface Processing via Normal Maps. Tolga Tasdizen, Ross Whitaker, Paul Burchard, Stanley Osher pdf
UUCS-02-004 Verifying a Virtual Component Interface-based PCI Bus Wrapper Using an LSC-Based Specification. Annette Bunker and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-02-005 B-Splines for Physically-Based Rendering Michael M. Stark, William Martin, Elaine Cohen, Tom Lyche and Richard F. Riesenfeld pdf
UUCS-02-006 Formal Aspects of Anonymity. Robert Morelli pdf
UUCS-02-007 Visual Cues for Perceiving Distances from Objects to Surfaces Helen H. Hu, Sarah H. Creem, Amy A. Gooch, William B. Thompson pdf
UUCS-02-008 Agent-based Engineering Drawing Analysis. Thomas C. Henderson and Lavanya Swaminathan pdf
UUCS-02-009 An Experimental Comparison of Perceived Egocentric Distance in Real, Image-Based, and Traditional Virtual Environments using Direct Walking Tasks. Peter Willemsen, Amy Ashurst Gooch pdf
UUCS-02-010 Isosurfaces and Level-set Surface Models. Ross Whitaker pdf
UUCS-02-011 Formalizing the Java Memory Model for Multithreaded Program Correctness and Optimization. Yue Yang, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, and Gary Lindstrom pdf
UUCS-02-012 Analytic Light Transport Approximations for Volumetric Materials Simon Premoze
UUCS-02-013 A Personalized System for Conversational Recommendations. Cynthia A. Thompson, Mehmet H. Goker, and Pat Langley pdf
UUCS-02-014 Expressive Modular Linking for Object-Oriented Languages. Sean McDirmid, Wilson C. Hsieh, Matthew Flatt pdf
UUCS-02-015 Does the Quality of the Computer Graphics Matter When Judging Distances in Visually Immersive Environments? William B. Thompson, Peter Willemsen, and Amy A. Gooch pdf
UUCS-02-016 Higher-order nonlinear priors for surface reconstruction. Tolga Tasdizen, Ross Whitaker pdf
UUCS-02-017 A GPU-Based, Three-Dimensional Level Set Solver with Curvature Flow. Aaron Lefohn, Ross Whitaker pdf
2001 Technical Reports
UUCS-01-001 Leadership Protocol for S-Nets. Thomas Henderson. pdf
UUCS-01-002 Natural Image Statistics for Computer Graphics. Erik Reinhard, Peter Shirley and Tom Troscianko. pdf
UUCS-01-003 Towards a Formal Model of Shared Memory Consistency for Intel Itanium. Prosenjit Chatterjee and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. pdf
UUCS-01-004 Performance Studies of PV: An On-the-fly Model-checker for LTL-X Featuring Selective Caching and Partial Order Reduction. Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Ratan Nalumasu, Robert Palmer, Prosenjit Chatterjee and Ben Prather. pdf
UUCS-01-005 Temporally Coherent Interactive Ray Tracing William Martin, Steven Parker, Erik Reinhard, Peter Shirley and William Thompson. pdf
UUCS-01-006 Verifying a Virtual Component Interface-based PCI Bus Wrapper with FormalCheck. Annette Bunker and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. pdf
UUCS-01-007 Formal Specification of the Virtual Component of Interface Standard in the Unified Modeling Language. Annette Bunker and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. pdf
UUCS-01-008 Unified MRM Cache: A Low-power Cache Architecture Using a Local Word Line Gating Technique. Gi-Ho Park, Sally A. McKee and John B. Carter. n/a
UUCS-01-009 Description of Funtionality of the Impulse Memory Controller. Lixin Zhang. pdf
UUCS-01-010 An Emulation Platform for Research in Distributed Systems and Networks Jay Lepreau n/a
UUCS-01-011 Volume Currents in Forward and Inverse MEG Simulations using Realistic Head Models. Robert Van Uitert, David Weinstein, and Chris Johnson pdf
UUCS-01-012 Formally specifying memory consistency models and automatically generating executable specifications Prosenjit Chatterjee and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-01-013 Runtime Aspect Weaving Through Metaprogramming. Jason Baker and Wilson Hsieh pdf
UUCS-01-014 Static and Dynamic Structure in Design Patterns. Eric Eide, Alastair Reid, John Regehr, Jay Lepreau pdf
UUCS-01-015 Maya: Multiple-Dispatch Syntax Extension in Java. Jason Baker and Wilson C. Hsieh pdf
2000 Technical Reports
UUCS-00-001 Transaction ordering verification of the PCI 2.1 Protocol using Trace Inclusion. Michael Jones and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. n/a
UUCS-00-002 Design A DRAM Backend for The Impulse Memory System. Lixin Zhang. pdf
UUCS-00-003 Statistical Analysis for FEM EEG Source Localization in Realistic Head Models. Leonid Zhukov, David Weinstein and Chris Johnson. pdf
UUCS-00-004 Localization of Multiple Deep Epileptic Sources in a Realistic Head Model via Independent Component Analysis. David Weinstein, Leonid Zhukov and Geoffery Potts. pdf
UUCS-00-005 Error Bounded Approximate Reparametrization of NURBS Curves. Mark Bloomenthal and Elaine Cohen n/a
UUCS-00-006 Automatic Image Creation via Artistic Composition Principles. Bruce Gooch, Chris Moulding, Donald Nelson, Richard Riesenfeld, Peter Shirley and Brian Smits pdf
UUCS-00-008 Direct Ray of Smoothed and Displacement Mapped Triangles. Brian Smits, Peter Shirley and Michael M. Stark pdf
UUCS-00-010 Processes KaffeOS: Isolation, Resource Management and Sharing Java. (Superceded by version published at OSDI 2000. Godmar Back, Wilson Hsieh and Jay Lepreau pdf
UUCS-00-012 Vertex-Based Formulations of Irradiance From Polyganal Sources. Michael M. Stark pdf
UUCS-00-013 Global Illumination Test Scenes. Brian Smits and Henrik Wann Jensen pdf
UUCS-00-014 An Anisotropic Phong Light Reflection Model. Michael Ashikhmin and Peter Shirley pdf
UUCS-00-015 URSIM Reference Manual. Lixin Zhang pdf
UUCS-00-016 Night Rendering. Simon Premose, Henrik Wann Jensen, Peter Shirley, William B. Thompson, James A. Ferwerda and Michael M. Stark pdf
UUCS-00-017 Artistic Vision: Painterly Rendering Using Computer Vision Techniques. Bruce Gooch, Greg Coombe and Peter Shirley pdf
UUCS-00-018 Coregistration of Pose Measurement Devices Using Least Squares Parameter Estimation. Milan Ikits pdf
UUCS-00-019 Reaction-Diffusion Processes as a Computational Paradigm. Thomas Henderson pdf
1999 Technical Reports
UUCS-99-001 The Use of Subtle Illumination Cues for Human Judgement of Spatial Layout. Cindee Madison, Daniel J. Kersten, William B. Thompson, Peter Shirley and Brian Smits. pdf
UUCS-99-002 Memory System Support for Image Processing. Lixin Zhang, John B. Carter, Wilson C. Hsieh and Sally A. McKee. pdf
UUCS-99-003 Supporting Persistent C++ Objects in a Distributed Storage System. Yury Izrailevsky, Anand Raganathan, Sai Susarla, John Carter and Gary Lindstrom. n/a
UUCS-99-004 Using Reliable Multicast for Caching and Collaboration within the World Wide Web. Kristin Wright. n/a
UUCS-99-005 Stream Bundles – Cohesive Advection through Flow Fields. David Weinstein, Gordon Kindlmann, Eric Lundberg pdf
UUCS-99-006 Design of a Parallel Vector Access Unit for SDRAM Memory Systems. Binu K. Mathew, Sally A. McKee, John B. Carter and Al Davis pdf
UUCS-99-007 Formalization and Analysis of a Solution to the PCI 2.1 Bus Transaction Ordering Problem: PVS Files. Abdel Mokkedem, Ravi M. Hosabettu, Michael D. Jones and Ganesh C. Gopalakrishnan n/a
UUCS-99-008 Using Khazana to Support Distributed Application Development. Yury Izrailevsky, Sai Susarla, Anand Ranganathan, John Carter. 18 pgs. pdf
UUCS-99-012 Fast and Exact Logic Minimization for Extended Burst-Mode Controllers. Hans Jacobsen. n/a
UUCS-99-013 Design and Validation of a Simultaneous Multithreaded DLX Microprocessor. Hans Jacobsen pdf
UUCS-99-014 Lead Field Basis for FEM Source Localization. Leonid Zhukov, David Weinstein and Chris Johnson pdf
UUCS-99-015 Deciding Satisfiability for Presburger Formulae Using Automata, Rewriting and a Model Checker. Jones, Michael D., Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Palaith Narendran n/a
UUCS-99-016 The I^3Stick: An Inexpensive, Immersive, Interaction Device. J. Dean Brederson pdf
UUCS-99-017 ISIM: The Simulator for The Impulse Adaptable Memory System. Lixin Zhang pdf
UUCS-99-018 Reference Manual of Impulse System Calls. Lixin Zhang and Leigh Stoller pdf
UUCS-99-019 Formal Verification of a Superscaler Pipelined Processor with Speculative execution and Exceptions. Ravi Hosabettu. n/a
UUCS-99-020 Hardware-Only Stream Prediction + Cache Prefetching + Dynamic Access Ordering. Chienqiang Zhang and Sally A. McKee n/a
UUCS-99-021 A Comparison of Online Superage Promotion Mechanisms. Zhen Fang and Lixin Zhang pdf
UUCS-99-022 Profiling I/O Interrupts in Modern Architectures. Lambert Schaelicke, Al Davis and Sally McKee pdf
UUCS-99-023 A Painterly Approach to Human Skin. Peter-Pike Sloan, Bruce Gooch, William Martin, Amy Gooch pdf
UUCS-99-024 Exploring the Value of Supporting Multiple DSM Protocols in Hardware DSM Controllers. Ravidra Kuramkote and John Carter n/a
UUCS-99-024 Shortest Paths in Sensor Snow. Thomas C. Henderson and Yu Chen n/a
1998 Technical Reports
CSTD-98-001 Fast Isosurface Extraction Using Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods Xu Ji pdf
UUCS-98-001 Feature-Based Process Planning for CNC Machining Elaine Cohen, Samuel Drake, Russell Fish, and Richard F. Riesenfeld pdf
UUCS-98-002 Decomposing the Proof of Correctness of Pipelined Microprocessors Ravi Hosabettu, Mandayam Srivas and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-98-003 Smart Sensor Snow Thomas C. Henderson, Mohamed Dekhil, Scott Morris and William B. Thompson pdf
UUCS-98-004 Constraint Jacobians for Constant-Time Inverse Kinematics and Assembly Optimization Donald Nelson pdf
UUCS-98-005 The analytic 3-D transform for the least-squared fit of three pairs of corresponding points David M. Weinstein pdf
UUCS-98-006 An Interior Ellipsoid Algorithm for Fixed Points Zhijian Huang and Kris Sikorski pdf
UUCS-98-007 Visual Glue William Thompson, Peter Shirley, Brian Smits, Daniel Kersten and Cindee Madison pdf
UUCS-98-008 The `Test Model-checking’ Approach to the Verification of Formal Memory Models of Multiprocessors Ratan Nalumasu Rajnish Ghughal, Abdel Mokkedem and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. pdf
UUCS-98-009 Khazana: An Infrastructure for Building Distributed Services John Carter, Anand Ranganathan and Sai Susarla. pdf
UUCS-98-010 AS-COMA: An Adaptive Hybrid Shared Memory Architecture Chen-Chi Kuo, John B. Carter, Ravindra Kuramkote and Mark Swanson pdf
UUCS-98-011 Design Alternatives for Shared Memory Multiprocessors John B. Carter, Chen-Chi Kuo, Ravindra Kuramkote and Mark Swanson. pdf
UUCS-98-012 SWIG User’s Manual David Beazley pdf
UUCS-98-013 Interface and Execution Models in the Fluke Kernel Bryan Ford, Mike Hibler, Jay Lepreau, Roland McGrath and Patrick Tullmann pdf
UUCS-98-014 The Flask Security Architecture: System Support for Diverse Security Policies Ray Spencer, Stephen Smalley, Peter Loscocco, Mike Hibler, David Andersen and Jay Lepreau pdf
UUCS-98-015 Java Operating Systems: Design and Implementation Godmar Back, Patrick Tullmann, Leigh Stoller, Wilson C. Hsieh and Jay Lepreau pdf
UUCS-98-017 A Partial Order Reduction Algorithm without the Proviso RatanNalumasu and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. pdf
1997 Technical Reports
CSTD-97-002 TrISH – Transparent Integrated Storage Heirarchy: A Hierarchical Storage Management System for the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System Sidney G. Bytheway pdf
CSTD-97-003 Schema Coercion: Using Database Meta-Information to Facilitate Data Transfer Terence Critchlow pdf
CSTD-97-004 Representation of and Modeling with Arbitrary Discontinuity Curves in Sculptured Surfaces Marc S. Ellens pdf
CSTD-97-005 Feature-Based Process Planning and Automatic Numerical Control Part Programming Chih-Cheng Ho pdf
UUCS-97-003 Minimum Distance Queries for Polygonal and Parametric Models David E. Johnson and Elaine Cohen pdf
UUCS-97-007 Asynchronous Microengines for Efficient High-level Control Hans Jacobson and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-97-008 Analysis of Avalanche’s Shared Memory Architecture Ravindra Kuramkote, John Carter, Alan Davis, Chen-Chi Kuo, Leigh Stoller and Mark Swanson pdf
UUCS-97-009 Deriving Efficient Protocols through Refinement RatanNalumasu and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-97-011 Instrumented Sensor System Architecture Thomas C. Henderson and Mohamed Dekhil pdf
UUCS-97-014 Instrumented Sensor System – Practice Mohamed Dekhil and Thomas C. Henderson. pdf
UUCS-97-016 Cache-Rings for Memory Efficient Isosurface Construction David M. Weinstein pdf
1996 Technical Reports
CSTD-96-001 Architectural Considerations In a Self-Timed Processor Design Richardson, William pdf
UUCS-96-001 Low Latency Workstation Cluster Communications Using Sender-Based Protocols Swanson, Mark R.; Leigh B. Stoller pdf
UUCS-96-002 Message Passing Support in the Avalanche Widget Swanson, Mark R.; Ravindra Kuramkote; Leigh B. Stoller; Terry Tateyama pdf
UUCS-96-003 Flat Surface Reconstruction Using Sonar Thomas C. Henderson, Mohamed Dekhil, Beat Bruderlin, Larry Schenkat, and Larkin Veige
UUCS-96-004 Microkernels Meet Recursive Virtual Machines Ford, Bryan; Mike Hibler, Jay Lepreau, Patrick Tullmann, Godmar Back, Shantanu Goel, and Steven Clawson pdf
UUCS-96-005 Flexible Multi-Policy Scheduling based on CPU Inheritance Ford, Bryan; Sai R. Susarla pdf
UUCS-96-006 Partial Order Reduction Without the Proviso Ratan Nalumasu, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-96-009 Paint: PA Instruction Set Interpreter Leigh B. Stoller; Mark R. Swanson, and Ravindra Kuramkote pdf
UUCS-96-010 The Avalanche Myrinet Simulation Package Chen-Chi Kuo, John B. Carter pdf
UUCS-96-011 A Comparison of Software and Hardware Synchronization Mechanisms for Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessors John B. Carter, Chen-Chi Kuo, and Ravindra Kuramkote pdf
1995 Technical Reports
CSTD-95-011 An Application Framework for Compositional Modularity Gurduth S. Banavar pdf
UUCS-95-002 Modular Scheme: Object Programming with First Class Modules and Operator-Based Inheritance Banavar, Guruduth; and Gary Lindstrom pdf
UUCS-95-003 Direct Deposit: A Basic User-Level Protocol for Carpet Clusters Swanson, Mark R.; and Leigh B. Stoller pdf
UUCS-95-004 Modeling and Verification of Distributed Control Scheme for Mobile Robots Mohamed Dekhil, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, and Thomas C. Henderson
UUCS-95-005 Sensor-based Distributed Control Scheme for Mobile Robots Dekhil, Mohamed; Tarek Sobh; Alyosha A. Efros pdf
UUCS-95-006 Explicit-enumeration based Verification made Memory-efficient Nalumasu, Ratan; Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-95-007 Layered, Server-based Support for Object-Oriented Application Development Banavar, Gruruduth; Douglas Orr; Gary Lindstrom pdf
UUCS-95-008 Fred: An Architecture for a Self-Timed Decoupled Computer Richardson, William F.; and Erik Brunvand pdf
UUCS-95-010 Feature-Based Reverse Engineering of Mechanical Parts Thompson, Willam B.; Jonathan Owen; and H. James de St.Germain pdf
UUCS-95-011 A Fast Parallel Squarer Based on Divide-and-Conquer Yoo, Jae-Tack; Kent F. Smith; and Ganesh Gopalarkishnan pdf
UUCS-95-012 Hierarchical Data Structures for Interactive VolumeVisualization Weinstein, David M.; and Christopher R. Johnson pdf
UUCS-95-013 PPE Interface and Functional Specification Swanson, Mark R.; Brad L. Stoller; and Terry T. Tateyama pdf
UUCS-95-015 Exploiting Discontinuities in Optical Flow Thompson, William B pdf
UUCS-94-017 Evolutionary Teleomorphology Thomas C. Henderson and Alyosha Efros
UUCS-95-019 Timing Constraints for High Speed Counterflow-Clocked Pipelining Jae-tack Yoo, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Kent F. Smith pdf
UUCS-95-020 Compositionally Modular Scheme Banavar, Guruduth; Gary Lindstrom pdf
UUCS-95-021 The Fred VHDL Model Richardson, William pdf
UUCS-95-022 Avalanche: A Communication and Memory Architecture for Scalable Parallel Computing Carter, John B; Al Davis; Ravindra Kuramkote; Chen-Chi Kuo;Leigh B. Stoller; Mark Swanson pdf
UUCS-95-023 Reducing Consistency Traffic and Cache Misses in the Avalanche Multi-processor Carter, John B.; Ravindra Kuramkote; Chen-Chi Kuo pdf
UUCS-95-025 A comparison of modular self-timed design styles Franklin Prosser, David Winkel, and Erik Brunvand pdf
1994 Technical Reports
UUCS-94-001 Type-safe Composition of Object Modules Guruduth Banavar, Gary Lindstrom, and Douglas Orr pdf
UUCS-94-002 A Dossier Driven Persistent Objects Facility Robert Mecklenburg, Charles Clark, Gary Lindstrom, and Benny Yih pdf
UUCS-94-003 Persistence is Hard, Then you Die!, or, Complier and Runtime Support for a Persistent Common Lisp J. H. Jacobs, M. R. Swanson and R. R. Kessler pdf
UUCS-94-004 Robotic Prototyping Environment(Progress Report) Mohamed Dekhil, Tarek Sobh, Thomas C. Henderson, and Robert Mecklenburg
UUCS-94-006 URK: Utah Robot Kit-A 3-Link Robot Manipulator Prototype Mohamed Dekhil, Tarek Sobh, and Thomas C. Henderson
UUCS-94-007 Industrial Inspection and Reverse Engineering Tarek Sobh, J. Owen, C. Jaynes, M. Dekhil, and Thomas Henderson
UUCS-94-009 Case Studies in Symbolic Model Checking Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Dilip Khandekar; Ravi Kuramkote; and Ratan Nalumasu pdf
UUCS-94-010 Robot Manipulator Prototyping (Complete Design Review) Mohamed Dekhil, Tarek Sobh, Thomas C. Henderson, Anil Sabbavarapu, and Robert Mecklenburg
UUCS-94-012 URK: Utah Robot Kit-A Three Link Prototype Mohamed Dekhil, Tarek Sobh, Thomas C. Henderson, and Anil Sabbavarapu
UUCS-94-014 A Morphing Algorithm for Generating Near Optimal Grids: Applications in Computational Medicine Parker, Steven G.; David M. Weinstein; and Christopher R.Johnson pdf
UUCS-94-016 Map3d: Scientific Visualization Program for Multichannel Time Series Data on Unstructured, Three Dimensional Meshes MacLeod, R.S.; P.R. Ershler; C.R. Johnson; and M.A. Matheson pdf
UUCS-94-017 Construction of a Human Torso Model from Magnetic Resonance Images for Problems in Computational Electrocardiography MacLeod, R.S.; C.R. Johnson; and P.R. Ershler pdf
UUCS-94-018 Techniques for Visualizing 3D Unstructured Meshes Gitlin, Carole; and Christopher Johnson pdf
UUCS-94-019 Semi-Automatic Image Segmentation: A Bimodel Thresholding Approach Shen, Han-Wei; and Christopher Johnson pdf
UUCS-94-021 The Stability of Geometric Inference In Location Determination Sutherland, Karen T pdf
UUCS-94-022 Automatic Rapid Prototyping of Semi-Custom VLSI Circuits Using FPGA’s Yoo, Jae-tack; Kent F. Smith; and Erik Brunvand pdf
UUCS-94-023 Sensing Strategies BAsed on Manufacturing Knowledge Thomas C. henderson, Tarek Sobh, Frederic Zana, Beat Bruderlin, and Ching-Yao Hsu
UUCS-94-024 UPE: Utah Prototyping Environment for Robot Manipulators Mohamed Dekhil, Tarek Sobh, Thomas C. Henderson, and Robert Mecklenburg
UUCS-94-026 A Unifying Framework for Tolerance Analysis Tarek Sobh, Thomas C. Henderson, and Frederic Zana
UUCS-94-033 The Design of Object-Oriented Meta-Architectures for Programming Languages Banavar, Guruduth; and Gary Lindstrom pdf
UUCS-94-035 ETYMA:A Framework for Modular Systems Banavar, Guruduth; Gary Lindstrom; and Douglas Orr pdf
UUCS-94-040 Evaluating the Potential of Programmable Multiprocessor Cache Controllers Carter, John B; Mike Hibler, Ravindra R. Kuramkote pdf
1993 Technical Reports
UUCS-93-001 Radioptimization-Goal Based Rendering Kawai, John, James Painter & Michael Cohen pdf
UUCS-93-005 Modules as Values In a Persistent Object Store Bracha, Gilad, Charles F. Clark, Gary Lindstrom, and DouglasB. Orr pdf
UUCS-93-006 A Framework For Module-Based Language Processors Banavar, Guruduth & Gary Lindstrom pdf
UUCS-93-007 Active Inspection and Reverse Engineering Sobh, Tarek M., Jonathan Owen, Chris Jaynes, Mohamed Dekhil,and Thomas C. Henderson pdf
UUCS-93-009 Story: A Hierarchical Animation and Storyboarding System for Alpha_1 Blum, Michael S., Robert Mecklenburg pdf
UUCS-93-010 Reconstruction of Sculptured Surface Using Coordinate Measuring Machines Yuan C. Hsieh pdf
UUCS-93-012 Notes on Thread Models in Mach 3.0 Ford, Bryan; Mike Hibler; and Jay Lepreau pdf
UUCS-93-013 Prototyping a Robotic Manipulator and Controller Sobh, Tarek; Mohamed Dekhil, Thomas C. Henderson pdf
UUCS-93-014 Intermediate Results in Active Inspection and Reverse Engineering Sobh, Tarek; Jonathan Owen; Chris Jaynes; Mohamed Dekhil;Thomas C. Henderson pdf
UUCS-93-017 A Transformational Approach to Asynchronous High-Level Synthesis Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh pdf
UUCS-93-020 Peephole Optimization of Asynchronous Networks through Process Composition and Burst-mode Machine Generation Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; and Prabhakar Kudva pdf
UUCS-93-021 Prototyping Environment for Robot Manipulators Dekhil, Mohamed; Tarek M. Sobh; and Thomas C. Henderson pdf
UUCS-93-023 Concurrent Engineering and Robot Prototyping Dekhil, Mohamed; Tarek M. Sobh; Thomas C. Henderson; and Robert Mecklenburg pdf
1992 Technical Reports
UUCS-92-001 Specification and Validation of Control-Intensive Integrated Circuits in hopCP Akella, Venkatesh & Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-92-004 A Correctness Criterion For Asynchronous Circuit Validation And Optimization Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh, Erik Brunvand & Nick Michell pdf
UUCS-92-005 Dynamic Reordering of High Latency Transactions in Time-Warp Simulation Using A Modified Micropipeline Liebchen, Armin & Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-92-007 The Programming Language Jigsaw: Mixins, Modularity and Multiple Inheritance Bracha, Gilad pdf
UUCS-92-008 Asynchronous Circuit Verification Using Trace Theory and CCS Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh pdf
UUCS-92-009 Our LIPS Are Sealed: Interfacing Logic and Functional Programming Systems Lindstrom, Gary, Jan Maluszynki & Takeshi Ogi pdf
UUCS-92-009a HOP: A Formal Model For Synchronous Circuits Using Communicating Fundamental Mode SymbolicAutomata Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh pdf
UUCS-92-011 Distributed Garbage Collection Algorithm Terence Critchlow pdf
UUCS-92-012 Towards a verification Technique for Large Synchronous Circuits Jain, Prabhat, Prabhakar Kudva & Ganesh Gopalakrishnan pdf
UUCS-92-017 Second Order Surface Analysis Using Hybrid Symbolic and Numeric Operators Elber, Gershon & Elaine Cohen pdf
UUCS-92-019 High Level Optimizations in Compiling Process Descriptions To Asynchronous Circuits Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh & Venkatesh Akella pdf
UUCS-92-023 Hybrid Symbolic and Numeric Operators as Tolls for Analysis of Freeform Surfaces Elber, Gershon & Elaine Cohen pdf
UUCS-92-026 A Communication-Oriented Task Graph Allocation Algorithm Evans, John D. & Robert R. Kessler pdf
UUCS-92-029 The NSR Processor Prototype Richardson, William F. & Erik Brunvand pdf
UUCS-92-032 Free Form Surface Analysis Using A Hybrid of Symbolic and Numeric Computation Gershon Elber pdf
UUCS-92-033 OMOS – an Object Server for Program Execution Orr, Douglas B. & Robert W. Mecklenburg pdf
UUCS-92-034 Dynamic Program Monitoring and Transformation Using the OMOS Object Server Orr, Douglas B., Robert W. Mecklenburg, Peter J. Hoogenboom & Jay Lepreau pdf
UUCS-92-035 A Dynamic Framework for Intelligent Inspection Sobh, Tarek M., Chris Jaynes & Thomas C. Henderson pdf
UUCS-92-036 A Dynamic Recursive Structure for Intelligent Exploration Sobh, Tarek M., Mohamed Dekhil, Chris Jaynes, and Thomas C. Henderson pdf
UUCS-92-037 Using Utilization Profiles in Allocation and Partitioning for Multiprocessor Systems Evans, John D. and Robert R. Kessler pdf
UUCS-92-038 Constraint Objects- Integrating Constraint Definition and Graphical Interaction Hsu, Ching-yao and Beat Bruderlin pdf
UUCS-92-040 Adaptive Isocurves Based Rendering for Freeform Surfaces Elber, Gershon pdf
UUCS-92-041 Autonomous Observation Sobh, Tarek M pdf
1991 Technical Reports
UUCS-91-001 Error Bounded Variable Distance Offset Operator for Free From Curves and Surfaces Gershon, Elber and Elaine Cohen pdf
UUCS-91-017 Modularity Meets Inheritance Bracha, Gilad and Gary Lindstrom pdf