Organick 2024
Thursday, October 24, 2024
The Robert H. and Katharine B. Garff Building Auditorium; University of Utah
1731 East Campus Center Drive, SLC, Utah 84112
5:45pm: Refreshments
6:00pm: Lecture
Alexei A. Efros
UC Berkeley professor, University of Utah alumnus
We Are (Still!) Not Giving Data Enough Credit
Synopsis: For most of its existence, Visual Computing has been primarily focused on algorithms, with data treated largely as an afterthought. Only recently, with the advances in AI, did our field start to truly appreciate the singularly crucial role played by data, but even now we might still be underestimating it. In this talk, I will begin with some historical examples illustrating the importance of large visual data for both human and computer vision. I will then share some of our recent work demonstrating the power of very simple algorithms when used with the right data, including visual in-context learning and visual data attribution.
Transit and Parking Information:
The Robert H. and Katharine B. Garff Building
1731 East Campus Center Drive, SLC, Utah 84112
PARKING IN THE CENTRAL CAMPUS GARAGE: Please park in any unmarked stall on the second level (P2). Tickets will be given if you park anywhere but (P2).
The (P2) column color is BLACK.
Click the linked image below for a map or click here for Google Maps location.
*From the birds-eye view from above, the Central Campus Garage is under the soccer field.
Friday, October 25, 2024
Finding Joy in Research (Town Hall format)
1:00pm Refreshments and Lecture
Warnock Engineering Building, Room 1230
Lecturer Bio
- Alexei (Alyosha) Efros is a professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley. His research is in the area of visual computing and machine learning. He is particularly interested in using data-driven techniques to tackle problems where large quantities of unlabeled visual data are readily available.
- Efros received his B.S. (summa cum laude) in Computer Science from the University of Utah in 1997, and PhD from UC Berkeley in 2003. He did a post-doc at the University of Oxford and then spent a decade on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University before joining Berkeley.
- He is a recipient of CVPR Best Paper Award (2006), Sloan Fellowship (2008), Guggenheim Fellowship (2008), SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award (2010), three PAMI Helmholtz Test-of-Time Prizes (1999,2003,2005), the ACM Prize in Computing (2016), Diane McEntyre Award for Excel- lence in Teaching Computer Science (2019), Jim and Donna Gray Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching of Computer Science (2023), and PAMI Thomas S. Huang Memorial Prize (2023).
There will be a private reception and dinner (for guests 21 and older) after the lecture for industry partners and faculty. $600 for tables of 8; and $100 per individual ticket. Please contact Sheri Carp at to secure your reservation.

The U Collaborates with Tulane on up to $23 Million Cancer Moonshot Project to Build Advanced Tumor Imaging System
The U Collaborates with Tulane on up to $23 Million Cancer Moonshot Project to Build Advanced Tumor Imaging System
The Vietnamese Computer Scientist Who Made Toy Story Possible
The Vietnamese Computer Scientist Who Made Toy Story Possible
Blair Sullivan Honored by Georgia Tech
Celebrating Georgia Tech Women: Pathway of Progress is the new name of the forthcoming, permanent tribute to the impact of women from Georgia Tech, now under construction near the John Lewis Student Center and Stamps Commons. Set to open in Fall 2024, the physical installation and accompanying digital experience will celebrate 70 graduates, as well as 98 women and events with historical significance to the Institute.
Apply For SEEDS 2024
We would like to introduce SEEDS, A 10 weeklong, summer mobile app development challenge, where you will work in a team with 3 other girls of your age. We use the Design Thinking framework along with live iOS and Android coaching sessions to help you create socially useful apps from your own ideas. This program is offered by Dandilyonn, a non-profit which is working hard to increase the representation of women in the computer software development industry. We are a group of women who work for Silicon Valley companies Amazon, Google, Adobe. All passionate about sharing our experiences with young girls like you and making you ready for tech careers.
Here are few unique aspects and their benefits of SEEDS
- End to end design thinking based app development training taught by professionals who learned the art of Stanford LEAD program.
- End to end iOS or Android app development training coached by practicing industry software developers
- You own what you build! You are completely free to continue to develop the app in future and make a mark.
- A chance at winning hundreds of dollars as winning team at the end of the summer program
- Irreplaceable real life app development experience to boost your resume and chances of landing tech internships in leading development companies.
- Fellow students, industry practitioners, industry leaders network connections through weekly training, women in tech presentations and panels
- Follow-up opportunities to work on mock interviews and internship opportunities
- Above all, a fulfilling experience of using your talent to make a difference!
We have run the SEEDS program for the past 4 years with over 100+ successful participation from universities all over the US. We welcome girls from community colleges to Ivy Leagues and give everyone equal opportunity to participate. Our students have found SEEDS training and experience – confidence building, which have led them to find prestigious internship opportunities in companies like Google, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft to name a few. We have invited over 20+ women in tech presenters who have connected with our students directly. They have come from many different roles in tech from VP of marketing at Amazon Music to UX designer at Google.
This year we want to go big!! We are super excited to kick off 2023 SEEDS application season. This summer, we want to enroll up to 80 female students (including those who identify themselves of female gender) with a 10% goal for BLNA enrollment.
We invite all eligible students at University of Utah to apply for SEEDS NOW!! Do not wait. In the past, we have reached our limit of 40 enrollment within 2 days. If you would like to team with your girl friends from college or school, forward the application link to them. Each participant will need to apply separately.
Please do note that there is a small application fee to make sure only interested girls apply, once selected the program is offered with no cost to the student.
Hope to hear back from many of you and best of luck for your upcoming careers in tech.
Archana Chaudhary
Director: SEEDS
Grad Visit Weekend
Sign up for volunteer opportunities to get involved in the Grad Visit Weekend here!