Garcia Luis
Luis Garcia
Assistant Professor
MEB 3450
Website | Google Scholar
Research Interests
Cyber-physical Systems, IoT, Cybersecurity, Formal Methods
Rezig El Kindi
El Kindi Rezig
Assistant Professor
WEB 2815
Website | Google Scholar
Research Interests
Data preparation, Data discovery, Data debugging, Information extraction, Data quality
Fariha Anna
Anna Fariha
Assistant Professor
WEB 2851
Website | Google Scholar
Research Interests
Data systems usability, Explainable AI, Responsible data management, Data quality
Yang Yin
Yin Yang
Associate Professor
MEB 3454
Google Scholar
Research Interests
Visual Computing (Computer Graphics)
Wang Haitao
Haitao Wang
Associate Professor
MEB 3418
Website | Publications
Research Interests
Algorithms (Algorithms & Data Structures, Computational Geometry)
Soni Pratik
Pratik Soni
Assistant Professor
WEB 2863
Website | Google Scholar
Research Interests
Security / Privacy (Cryptography)
Rosen Paul
Paul Rosen
Associate Professor
Website | Google Scholar
Research Interests
Visual Computing (Visualization)
Pandey Vineet
Vineet Pandey
Assistant Professor
MEB 3112
Website | Google Scholar
Research Interests
Human-Centered Computing (Human-Computer Interaction, Design, Social Computing, Digital Health, Citizen Science)
Nagy Stefan
Stefan Nagy
Assistant Professor
MEB 3446
Website | Google Scholar
Research Interests
Security / Privacy (Systems Security)
Nagarajan Vijay
Vijay Nagarajan
WEB 2897
Website | Google Scholar
Research Interests
Computer architecture, Programming Languages and Computer Systems with a focus on: Consistency Models, Coherence Protocols, Replication protocols, Language support for microarchitecture design, Correct-by-construction system design.