Solving the problems soon after they are posted will help you understand the material better. Some problems will refer to the textbook, available here.

RMarkdown. For all the homeworks, your submission files will be in RMarkdown. Here's a short template which also gives you an introduction.

Homework 1: Probability Basics

Here is the PDF file for the HW. For those interested, here is the RMarkdown source used to create it.

Homework 2: Independence and Bayes Rule

Here are the PDF file and RMarkdown source for Homework 2.

Homework 3: Random variables, simulations in R

Here are the PDF file and RMarkdown source for Homework 3.

Homework 4: Computing expectations

Here are the PDF file and RMarkdown source for Homework 4.

Homework 5: Jointly distributed random variables

Here are the PDF file and RMarkdown source for Homework 5.