Bees v0.5.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use PermissionSet
apps.authenticator Applications used to the process of authenticating and authorizing downloaded protocols. 
bees.core The core functionality for Bees, including, capabilities, coroutines, and events. 
bees.core.kernel Classes that implement the Bee's kernel domain and the coroutine's for supporting user domains. 
bees.core.resource This package holds most of the system provided capabilities. This packages holds most of the security related capabilities and Permission classes. 

Uses of PermissionSet in apps.authenticator

Methods in apps.authenticator that return PermissionSet
protected abstract  PermissionSet AuthenticatorUnknownProtocolPresentation.computeResources(PairChain pc)
          Call back used to compute the resource bounds for a new BDomain.

Uses of PermissionSet in bees.core

Fields in bees.core declared as PermissionSet
static PermissionSet Node.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          The default permissions for a new Node object.
static PermissionSet EventChannel.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
static PermissionSet NeighborImpl.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          The default permissions for a newly created NeighborImpl object.

Methods in bees.core that return PermissionSet
static PermissionSet CapabilityFactory.getPermissions(Capability cap)
static PermissionSet CapabilityFactory.getPermissions(CapabilityEnvelope ce)

Methods in bees.core with parameters of type PermissionSet
protected  void Protocol.addCapsule(java.lang.String className, VersionString versionID, PermissionSet ps)
          Add a full capsule class to the protocol.
protected  void Protocol.addCapsule(java.lang.String className, PermissionSet ps)
          Add a full capsule class to the protocol.
protected  void Protocol.setBootStrap(java.lang.String className, PermissionSet ps)
          Set the boot strap capsule class name.
protected  void ProtocolPresentation.revokePermissions(Capability cap, PermissionSet ps)
 void Capability.revokePermissions(PermissionSet ps)
 void Node.register(ProtocolPresentation pp, ProtocolFlow pf, Capability[] initialCaps, PermissionSet ps, CapabilityTree ct)
          Create a new domain and load a protocol from the local disk.
 DLProtocolPresentation Node.register(DLProtocolPresentation retval, NeighborImpl ni, PairChain flowDesc, Capability[] initialCaps, PermissionSet transfer, CapabilityTree ct)
          Create a new domain and load the protocol from a neighbor.
 DLProtocolPresentation Node.register(NeighborImpl ni, PairChain flowDesc, Capability[] initialCaps, PermissionSet transfer, CapabilityTree ct)
          Create a new domain and load the protocol from a neighbor.
 CapabilityEnvelope CapabilityEnvelope.revokePermissions(PermissionSet ps)
          Revoke some permissions from the enclosed capability.
 CapabilityEnvelope CapabilityEnvelope.boundPermissions(PermissionSet ps)
          Bound the enclosed capabilities to the given set.
 Node NodeFactory.create(NodeSpec ns, CapabilityEnvelope clock, PermissionSet ps, java.lang.String comment)
 Node NodeFactory.create(NodeSpec ns, CapabilityEnvelope clock, PermissionSet ps)
static Capability CapabilityFactory.instantiate(Capability cap, long id, byte[] object, CapabilityEnvelope[] sub, PermissionSet ps)
static Capability CapabilityFactory.instantiate(Capability cap, long id, byte[] object, PermissionSet ps)
static void CapabilityFactory.grant(Capability cap, PermissionSet ps)
static void CapabilityFactory.create(Capability cap, long id, byte[] object, PermissionSet ps)
static void CapabilityFactory.create(Capability cap, long id, PermissionSet ps)
static Capability CapabilityFactory.create(java.lang.Class cl, long id, PermissionSet ps)
 void RevokeCapabilityCoroutine.revokePermissions(EventChannel ec, Capability cap, PermissionSet ps)

Uses of PermissionSet in bees.core.kernel

Methods in bees.core.kernel that return PermissionSet
static PermissionSet KernelCapabilities.toPermissionSet(edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.jsi.JSIMessage jm)
static PermissionSet KernelCapabilities.oldtoPermissionSet(edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.jsi.JSIMessage jm)
          Convert a JSIMessage with `permission' and `countPermission' attributes into a PermissionSet.
 PermissionSet KernelObject.getPermissionSet()

Methods in bees.core.kernel with parameters of type PermissionSet
static void KernelCapabilities.toMessage(edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.jsi.JSIMessage jm, PermissionSet ps)
 void KernelObject.setPermissionSet(PermissionSet ps)
 long KernelObjectStore.put(byte[] object, CapabilityEnvelope[] sub, PermissionSet ps, Meter meter, java.lang.String comment)
          Put a KernelObject in the store.
 long KernelObjectStore.put(byte[] object, PermissionSet ps, java.lang.String comment)
static Capability KernelObjectCoroutine.create(Capability cap, BDomainCoroutine sc, byte[] data, CapabilityEnvelope[] sub, java.lang.String comment, PermissionSet ps)
static Capability KernelObjectCoroutine.create(Capability cap, BDomainCoroutine sc, byte[] data, java.lang.String comment, PermissionSet ps)
static Capability[] KernelObjectCoroutine.create(Capability[] cap, BDomainCoroutine sc, byte[] data, java.lang.String comment, PermissionSet ps)
 void KernelObjectCoroutine.instantiate(PermissionSet ps)
 void KernelObjectCoroutine.create(BDomainCoroutine sc, Capability cap, byte[] data, PermissionSet ps, java.lang.String comment)
 void KernelObjectCoroutine.create(BDomainCoroutine sc, Capability cap, byte[] data, CapabilityEnvelope[] sub, PermissionSet ps, java.lang.String comment)
 void KernelObjectCoroutine.create(BDomainCoroutine sc, Capability[] cap, byte[] data, PermissionSet ps, java.lang.String comment)
 void CreateBDomainCoroutine.create(edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.amiga.FaxPortHandle local, edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.amiga.FaxPortHandle remote, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String selector, java.lang.String[] args, Capability[] capabilities, PermissionSet meterSpec)
          Create a new domain with the given values.
 void CreateBDomainCoroutine.create(edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.amiga.FaxPortHandle local, edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.amiga.FaxPortHandle remote, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String selector, java.lang.String[] args, java.util.Vector capabilities, PermissionSet transfer)
          Create a new domain with the given values.
 void CreateBDomainCoroutine.create(BDomainCoroutine sc, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String selector, java.lang.String[] args, java.util.Vector capabilities, PermissionSet transfer)
          Create a new domain with the given values.
 void CreateBDomainCoroutine.create(BDomainCoroutine sc, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String selector, java.lang.String[] args, Capability[] capabilities, PermissionSet transfer)
          Create a new domain with the given values.

Uses of PermissionSet in bees.core.resource

Fields in bees.core.resource declared as PermissionSet
static PermissionSet File.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          The default permissions for a new file capability.
static PermissionSet NodeOSNeighbor.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          Default permissions for a newly created NodeOSNeighbor object.
static PermissionSet SystemPackage.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          Default permissions for a SystemPackage object.
static PermissionSet Console.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          Default permissions for a console.
static PermissionSet Logger.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          The default permissions for Logger capability.
static PermissionSet Clock.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          Default permissions.
static PermissionSet SystemClass.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          Default permissions for a SystemClass object.
static PermissionSet Directory.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          The default permissions given to new Directory capabilities.
          A more restricted set of permissions for Directory capabilities.

Methods in bees.core.resource with parameters of type PermissionSet
 Logger LoggerFactory.create(Console console, LoggerSpec ls, PermissionSet ps, java.lang.String comment)
          Create a new Logger from the given capabilities.
 Logger LoggerFactory.create(File file, LoggerSpec ls, PermissionSet ps, java.lang.String comment)
          Create a new Logger from the given capabilities.
 Logger LoggerFactory.create(Logger parent, LoggerSpec ls, PermissionSet ps, java.lang.String comment)
          Create a new Logger from the given capabilities.
 Logger LoggerFactory.create(Logger parent, java.lang.String prefix, PermissionSet ps)
          Create a new Logger from the given capabilities.
 Directory FileSystemRoot.root(PermissionSet ps)
          Create a Directory capability that refers to the root directory in this "file system".
 NetworkInterface NetworkInterface.remoteInterface(PermissionSet ps)
          Construct a NetworkInterface that refers to a remote interface connected to this local interface.
 NetworkService NetworkInterface.service(PermissionSet ps)
          Construct a NetworkService that is available on this interface.
 NeighborImpl NodeOSNeighborFactory.create(NetworkService local, NetworkService remote, PermissionSet address)
          Create a NodeOSNeighbor from the given capabilities.
 Directory name, PermissionSet ps, boolean create)
          Reference a directory or create a new one contained within this directory.
 Directory name, PermissionSet ps)
          Reference a directory contained within this directory.
 File Directory.file(java.lang.String name, PermissionSet ps, boolean create)
          Reference a file or create a new one contained within this directory.
 File Directory.file(java.lang.String name, PermissionSet ps)
          Reference a file contained within this directory.

Uses of PermissionSet in

Fields in declared as PermissionSet
static PermissionSet PublicKey.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          The default permissions for a new PublicKey capability.
static PermissionSet PrivateKey.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          The default permissions for a PrivateKey capability.
static PermissionSet SecretKey.DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS
          The default permissions for a new SecretKey capability.

Methods in that return PermissionSet
 PermissionSet PermissionSet.subset(Permission what)
static PermissionSet PermissionSet.instantiate(XdrByteArray xdr)
          Instantiate a Permission object from the given byte array.
static PermissionSet PermissionSet.instantiate(byte[] flattened)
          Instantiate a Permission object from the given byte array.

Methods in with parameters of type PermissionSet
 void PermissionSet.grantPermissions(PermissionSet ps)
          Grant all of the Permissions in the given set to this set.
 void PermissionSet.revokePermissions(PermissionSet ps)
          Revoke all of the Permissions in the given set from this set.
 void PermissionSet.boundPermissions(PermissionSet ps)
          Bound the Permissions in this set to the ones in the given set.
 PublicKey KeyFactory.createPublicKey(PublicKeySpec ks, PermissionSet ps, java.lang.String comment)
          Create a PublicKey capability from the given values.
 PublicKey KeyFactory.createPublicKey(PublicKeySpec ks, PermissionSet ps)
          Create a PublicKey capability from the given values.
 SecretKey KeyGenerator.generateKey(java.lang.String algorithm, int strength, PermissionSet ps, java.lang.String comment)
          Generate a new key from the given values.
 SecretKey KeyGenerator.generateKey(java.lang.String algorithm, int strength, PermissionSet ps)
          Generate a new key from the given values.

Constructors in with parameters of type PermissionSet
PermissionSet(PermissionSet[] ps)
          Construct a PermissionSet from the given value.

Bees v0.5.0 API

This documentation is Copyright (C) 2002 The University of Utah. All Rights Reserved. See the individual source files for distribution terms.
Documentation, software, and mailing lists for Bees v0.5.0 can be found at the Janos Project: