Bees v0.5.0 API


This packages holds most of the security related capabilities and Permission classes.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
Cipher Cipher is a thin veneer over the standard javax.crypto.Cipher class that uses classes.
CountPermission A CountPermission holds a positive integer value, most likely used to count something (e.g.
EnumerationPair An EnumerationPair maps a string to an integer value.
EnumerationPermission An EnumerationPermission holds a string value, representing a symbol, that can later be mapped to an integer.
FilePermission FilePermission extends the standard Permission class to support file specific actions.
FloatPermission A FloatPermission binds a permission name to a floating point value.
IntegerPermission An IntegerPermission binds a permission name to an integer value.
KeyFactory A KeyFactory is used to create public and private keys from their respective KeySpecs.
KeyGenerator A KeyGenerator is used to manufacture new SecretKey capabilities.
KeyPair This class is a simple holder for a key pair (a public key and a private key).
KeyPairGenerator A KeyPairGenerator is used to manufacture new public and private key capabilities.
KeyPairGeneratorHandler The KeyPairGeneratorHandler is a JSIHandler that can create KeyPairs.
KeySpec A KeySpec is a base class for the various cryptographic key classes.
Mac Mac is a thin veneer over the standard javax.crypto.Mac class that uses classes.
MaximumFloatPermission A MaximumFloatPermission limits a FloatPermission to a given maximum.
MaximumIntegerPermission A MaximumIntegerPermission limits a IntegerPermission to a given maximum.
MinimumFloatPermission A MinimumFloatPermission limits a FloatPermission to a given minimum.
MinimumIntegerPermission A MinimumIntegerPermission limits a IntegerPermission to a given minimum.
Password A Password capability wraps a password string.
PasswordHandler The PasswordHandler is a JSIHandler that can create Passwords.
Permission Describes an abstract permission, consisting of a string name and an optional set of actions from the set {read,write,execute}.
PermissionSet A PermissionSet holds a list of permissions and provides a number of methods for manipulating them.
PrivateKey A PrivateKey capability wraps a object.
PrivateKeySpec The PrivateKeySpec class wraps a object.
PublicKey A PublicKey capability wraps a object.
PublicKeySpec The PublicKeySpec class wraps a object.
RangePermission A RangePermission restricts access based on ranges of integers.
SecretKey A SecretKey capability wraps a javax.crypto.SecretKey object.
SecretKeyFactory A SecretKeyFactory is used to create secret keys from SecretKeySpecs.
SecretKeyHandler The SecretKeyHandler is a JSIHandler that can create SecretKeys.
SecretKeySpec The SecretKeySpec class wraps a javax.crypto.SecretKey object.
Signature Signature is a thin veneer over the standard class that uses classes.
VersionString A VersionString capability wraps a string that can be used in place of other objects when computing hash identifiers.
VersionStringHandler The VersionStringHandler is a JSIHandler that can create VersionStrings.

Exception Summary
EnumerationException Exception thrown when a symbol name in an EnumerationPermission cannot be matched to the symbols in an enumeration.
PermissionException Exception thrown when a Capability doesn't have a required permission.

Package Description

This packages holds most of the security related capabilities and Permission classes. Several of the classes are just wrappers for their and javax.crypto counterparts that protect the sensitive data (e.g. key material) from untrusted code.

Bees v0.5.0 API

This documentation is Copyright (C) 2002 The University of Utah. All Rights Reserved. See the individual source files for distribution terms.
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