Bees v0.5.0 API

Package bees.core

The core functionality for Bees, including, capabilities, coroutines, and events.


Interface Summary
Authorizer Interface for applications that wish to handle authorization requests from protocols.
ByteArrayCompanionProtocol Interface used to tag CompanionProtocols that should couple with a protocols byte arrays.
CapabilitySpec The CapabilitySpec interface identifies a class as being suitable for encoding arguments used in creating a Capability.
CapsuleCompanionProtocol Interface used to tag CompanionProtocols that are coupled with Capsules.
CompanionProtocol Inteface used to tag "companion" protocols.
ExternalCapsuleReceiver Interface used to denote classes that are able to process ExternalCapsules.
ExternalChannel Interface used to denote classes that can send ExternalCapsules.
FlowCompanionProtocol Interface used to tag CompanionProtocols that are coupled with ProtocolFlows.
FlowIndependentCompanionProtocol Interface used to tag CompanionProtocols that are able to cross flow boundaries.
NodeCache.EventHandler Elements of this type in the node cache will receive calls when one of a set of events occurs.
ObjectMap A simple mapping interface, used mainly for backwards compatability.
ReencodableCapsule Interface used to tag a Capsule that wishes to reencode itself before it is sent to the next NeighborImpl in a Neighborhood.

Class Summary
Application Base class for Bees applications.
ApplicationBDomain A domain for starting up a Bees application.
Assert Provides a number of static functions for verifying state in the system.
AuthorizationCoroutine A Coroutine for interacting with the Auth App.
BeesEvent Base class for generic events that can be sent between coroutines in two domains.
BeesVersion Class used to colocate the various versioning information.
ByteArray Wrapper for an array of Bytes.
Capability Base class for capabilities in the system.
CapabilityEnvelope Container class used to transmit capabilities between domains.
CapabilityFactory Factory class used to create capabilities.
CapabilityReference A lightweight class for addressing capabilities shared by multiple domains.
CapabilityStreamer Helper class used to encode and decode capabilities to data streams.
Capsule Capsule defines the base for packets that can be sent or received by a node.
CapsuleGroup A CapsuleGroup is used to group together a set of related Capsules.
CapsuleReceiver Class used to receive Capsules from the NeighborImpl and dispatch to the protocol.
CipheredXdrByteArray A CipheredXdrByteArray is a convenience for encrypting/decrypting an XdrByteArray.
CloneFactory Helper class to clone certain objects.
Coroutine A Coroutine is a base class for handling events exchanged between domains.
DataAggregator A DataAggregator is used to collect and redistribute byte arrays.
DataRequestCapsule A DataRequestCapsule is base class used for capsules that wish to request some "large" data from a peer node.
DataResponseCapsule A DataResponseCapsule is the complement of the DataRequestCapsule, it is used to carry the response back to the requesting node.
DLProtocol The DLProtocol is a companion protocol that will download its companion's byte arrays.
DLProtocolPresentation A DLProtocolPresentation is used to communicate with the DLProtocolSession in a protocol domain.
DLProtocolSession A DLProtocolSession manages application requests for downloading protocol code from a peer node.
EventChannel An EventChannel is used to send events to another domain in the system.
EventChannelHandler The EventChannelHandler is a JSIHandler that can interact with EventChannel capabilities.
ExtendedProtocolPresentation An ExtendedProtocolPresentation is a ProtocolPresentation that provides functionality for interacting with a protocol that uses the ExtendedProtocolSession class.
ExtendedProtocolSession An ExtendedProtocolSession is a ProtocolSession that provides functionality for tracking interested applications and managing the addition and removal of neighbors.
ExternalCapsule An ExternalCapsule is a class used to carry packets between protocols and applications.
ExternalCapsuleEvent An BeesEvent used to deliver the contents of an ExternalCapsule to another domain.
ExternalCoroutine An ExternalCoroutine is used to send ExternalCapsules between BDomains on the same node.
HashMap A simple mapping class, used mainly for backwards compatability.
IDTranslationProtocol The IDTranslationProtocol detects unknown Capsule types and translates their Capsule identifiers to flow identifiers.
IDTranslatorPresentation An IDTranslatorPresentation interacts with the IDTranslatorSession in the flow domain.
IDTranslatorSession An IDTranslatorSession manages any IDTranslationProtocol state and interacts with an external interests.
InheritedCapabilityCoroutine Coroutine used to pass capabilities to a BDomain.
Leak The Leak class is used to leak package private methods to other system packages.
MulticastNeighborhood A MulticastNeighborhood is a Neighborhood that sends a single capsule to all of its neighbors.
Neighbor A Neighbor is used to "activate" a NeighborImpl for a protocol flow.
Neighborhood A Neighborhood is a collection of neighbors that a single capsule can be sent to.
NeighborImpl NeighborImpl is the base for classes that wish to implement neighbor capabilities.
Node The Node class provides access to node global functionality.
NodeAddress Routines for manipulating node addresses.
NodeCache Node cache of managed soft-state.
ObjectTree A class used to maintain a hierarchy of objects in the system.
Pair A Pair is used to store a simple mapping between a name and byte array value.
PairChain A PairChain manages an ordered collection of Pair objects.
Protocol Protocol is used to describe the classes, data, and companion protocols that make up an Bees protocol.
ProtocolBDomain The ProtocolBDomain is a BDomain root class used to start new protocol flows.
ProtocolFlow A ProtocolFlow is used to construct a description of a group of protocols, the primary and its companions, and any user specified data.
ProtocolParameters ProtocolParameters is a base class that provides basic configuration functionality.
ProtocolPresentation A ProtocolPresentation is a base for classes that applications can use when communicating with ProtocolSessions.
ProtocolSession A ProtocolSession is an intermediary between a Protocol and an application.
ProtocolType A ProtocolType holds the information about a protocol and the Capsules/Code it uses.
RedundantNeighborhood A RedundantNeighborhood is a Neighborhood that attempts to send a single Capsule through one of its neighbors.
ReliableDataRequestCapsule The ReliableDataRequestCapsule is a base class for Capsule classes that wish to transmit chunks of data reliably.
ResponderCoroutine A ResponderCoroutine is a Coroutine that automatically repeats state transitions to a StateResponder specified in the Constructor.
SignedXdrByteArray A SignedXdrByteArray is a convenience for signing/verifying an XdrByteArray.
Strict The Strict class provides some static functions for checking state that can vary depending on how strict the checking should be.
TestBDomain BDomain application that is used to run tests.
TwoWayBeesEvent A base class for BeesEvents that will be both a request and reply.
TypeID A TypeID is used to wrap the result of an MD5 hash.
UnknownProtocol The UnknownProtocol is used to download flow descriptions from unknown flows on a neighbor.
Xdr An Xdr object wraps a system packet buffer for access by untrusted code.
XdrByteArray A ByteArray subclass that supports xdr based encoding.

Exception Summary
DroppedPacketException Exception thrown when a packet should be dropped because the system is unable to process it correctly.
EncodingException Exception thrown when a Capsule throws an exception during the encode() method.
InvalidCapabilityReferenceException Exception thrown when an invalid CapabilityReference is being unmarshalled.
InvalidPacketException Exception thrown if there was an invalid value detected while decoding a packet.
MissingCapabilityException Exception thrown when a capability couldn't be found, most likely because it was revoked.
MissingPairException Exception thrown when a pair couldn't be found.

Error Summary
Assert.AssertFailure A run-time Error is thrown if an check fails.
Panic Error thrown when there is an internal error.

Package bees.core Description

The core functionality for Bees, including, capabilities, coroutines, and events.

Bees v0.5.0 API

This documentation is Copyright (C) 2002 The University of Utah. All Rights Reserved. See the individual source files for distribution terms.
Documentation, software, and mailing lists for Bees v0.5.0 can be found at the Janos Project: