Bees v0.5.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use ProtocolSession
apps.discovery Protocol and test application for discovering neighbors on the same LAN. A demo application that tries to implement Healthd-like functionality. 
apps.hello The skeleton for the "Hello World" tutorial from the manual. 
apps.liveness Protocol and test application for testing the responsiveness of neighbors. 
apps.pathfinder A simple routing protocol that builds a tree of nodes for forwarding client packets to a server and multicasting server packets to the clients. 
bees.core The core functionality for Bees, including, capabilities, coroutines, and events. 
bees.core.resource This package holds most of the system provided capabilities. This packages holds most of the security related capabilities and Permission classes. 
bees.tests Test classes that are used by the testsuite directory. 

Uses of ProtocolSession in apps.benchmark

Methods in apps.benchmark with parameters of type ProtocolSession
 void RelayCapsule.evaluate(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void StatsCapsule.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission StatsCapsule.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void StatsCapsule.evaluate(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void SendCapsule.evaluate(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void PrimerCapsule.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission PrimerCapsule.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void PrimerCapsule.evaluate(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)

Constructors in apps.benchmark with parameters of type ProtocolSession
BenchmarkParameters(ProtocolSession ps)

Uses of ProtocolSession in apps.discovery

Subclasses of ProtocolSession in apps.discovery
 class DiscoveryProtocolSession
          A DiscoveryProtocolSession tracks information used by the protocol and manages communication with the applications.

Methods in apps.discovery with parameters of type ProtocolSession
 void AdvertiseCapsule.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission AdvertiseCapsule.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void AdvertiseMaterial.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission AdvertiseMaterial.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)

Uses of ProtocolSession in

Subclasses of ProtocolSession in
 class HealthSession
          A HealthSession manages the HealthProtocol specific properties in a flow.

Methods in with parameters of type ProtocolSession
 void HealthParameters.initialize(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
          Initialize the parameters.
 void NodeHealthCapsule.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission NodeHealthCapsule.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void HealthExtraParameters.initialize(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
          Initialize the parameters.
 void NodeHealth.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission NodeHealth.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)

Constructors in with parameters of type ProtocolSession
HealthParameters(ProtocolSession ps)
          Construct a HealthParameters object for the given ProtocolSession.
HealthExtraParameters(ProtocolSession ps)
          Construct a HealthExtraParameters object for the given ProtocolSession.

Uses of ProtocolSession in apps.hello

Methods in apps.hello with parameters of type ProtocolSession
 void HelloBootCapsule.evaluate(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void HelloCapsule.evaluate(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void HelloParameters.initialize(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)

Constructors in apps.hello with parameters of type ProtocolSession
HelloParameters(ProtocolSession ps)

Uses of ProtocolSession in apps.liveness

Subclasses of ProtocolSession in apps.liveness
 class LivenessSession
          The LivenessSession tracks information for the liveness protocol and manages communication with any interested applications.

Methods in apps.liveness with parameters of type ProtocolSession
 void PokeCapsule.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission PokeCapsule.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void LiveNeighbor.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission LiveNeighbor.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)

Uses of ProtocolSession in apps.pathfinder

Subclasses of ProtocolSession in apps.pathfinder
 class PathfinderSession
          PathfinderSession tracks any state global to the pathfinder protocol.

Methods in apps.pathfinder with parameters of type ProtocolSession
 void ConfigurationCapsule.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission ConfigurationCapsule.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void PathfinderSession.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission PathfinderSession.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)

Uses of ProtocolSession in bees.core

Subclasses of ProtocolSession in bees.core
 class DLProtocolSession
          A DLProtocolSession manages application requests for downloading protocol code from a peer node.
 class ExtendedProtocolSession
          An ExtendedProtocolSession is a ProtocolSession that provides functionality for tracking interested applications and managing the addition and removal of neighbors.
 class IDTranslatorSession
          An IDTranslatorSession manages any IDTranslationProtocol state and interacts with an external interests.

Methods in bees.core that return ProtocolSession
 ProtocolSession ExternalCapsule.getSession()
 ProtocolSession Capsule.getSession(java.lang.String companionSessionName)
          Get the ProtocolSession for the given class name with the context of this Capsule's flow.
 ProtocolSession Capsule.getSession()

Methods in bees.core with parameters of type ProtocolSession
static byte[] Leak.getFlowID(ProtocolSession ps)
          Get the flow identifier out of a ProtocolSession.
static ExternalCapsule Leak.toCapsule(ExternalCapsule ec, ExternalChannel source, ProtocolSession ps, edu.utah.janos.nodeos.BufferHandle bh)
          Initialize an ExternalCapsule from the given arguments.
 void Capsule.evaluate(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
          Evaluate this capsule.
 void Node.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission Node.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void Node.beginManagement(ProtocolSession ps)
          Send a request to the Auth Application asking for it to manage the given protocol.
 void NodeCache.EventHandler.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
          This is called when the element is manually removed from from the cache.
 IntegerPermission NodeCache.EventHandler.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
          This is called when this element is up for collection, the return value specifies the new expiration time.
protected abstract  void ReliableDataRequestCapsule.resend(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
          Call back used to resend this capsule.
 void ReliableDataRequestCapsule.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission ReliableDataRequestCapsule.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 void SignedXdrByteArray.sign(PrivateKeySpec pk, ProtocolSession ps)
 boolean SignedXdrByteArray.verify(PublicKeySpec pk, ProtocolSession ps)
 Neighbor NeighborImpl.getNeighbor(ProtocolSession ps)
          Get a ProtocolSession to Neighbor mapping.
 void Neighbor.attachReceivers(ProtocolSession ps)
          Attach the receiver hooks for a set of capsule types.
 void Neighbor.detachReceivers(ProtocolSession ps)
          Detach the receiver hooks for a set of capsule types.

Uses of ProtocolSession in bees.core.resource

Methods in bees.core.resource with parameters of type ProtocolSession
 void NodeOSExternalChannel.activate(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)

Uses of ProtocolSession in

Methods in with parameters of type ProtocolSession
 void Signature.initVerify(PublicKeySpec publicKey, ProtocolSession ps)
          Initialize the signature object for verification.
 void Signature.initSign(PrivateKeySpec privateKey, ProtocolSession ps)
          Initialize the signature object for signing.
 void Signature.initSign(PrivateKeySpec privateKey, random, ProtocolSession ps)
          Initialize the signature object for signing.

Uses of ProtocolSession in bees.tests

Methods in bees.tests with parameters of type ProtocolSession
 void NodeTest.removed(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)
 IntegerPermission NodeTest.collected(Node node, ProtocolSession ps)

Bees v0.5.0 API

This documentation is Copyright (C) 2002 The University of Utah. All Rights Reserved. See the individual source files for distribution terms.
Documentation, software, and mailing lists for Bees v0.5.0 can be found at the Janos Project: