Organizers: Cody Cutler, Anton Burtsev

Time and place: Fridays, 1:00pm, Flux Conference Room (3485 MEB)
Mailing list: None

This seminar is an introduction to practical aspects of malware analysis. Our plan is to cover the following topics with the emphasis on gaining practical analysis skills, in-depth understanding of malware implementation techniques, and experience with static and dynamic analysis tools:

  • basics: asm language, calling conventions, relevant low-level parts of CPU, and OS interface
  • tools: IDA, OllyDBG
  • common anti-debugging techniques
  • packers and approaches to unpacking
  • in-class reverse engineering sessions
  • low-level mechanics of classic and advanced exploit techniques

The seminar will be structured as a series of presentations, and in-class analysis sessions. We'll prepare Emulab images for you to do exercises, and try your own experiments.
