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Broker Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Root name space for the CPU Broker.


exception  DuplicateScheduleParameter
 Exception thrown when a duplicate parameter is found in the ScheduleParameters list. More...

exception  DuplicateTaskParameter
 Exception thrown when a duplicate parameter is found in the TaskParameters list. More...

exception  Internal
 Exception thrown when an internal error occurs. More...

exception  InvalidScheduleParameter
 Exception thrown when an invalid parameter is passed in a ScheduleParameters list. More...

exception  InvalidState
 XXX fill me in. More...

exception  InvalidStatus
 Exception thrown when an invalid status value is received by the implementation. More...

exception  InvalidTaskParameter
 Exception thrown when an invalid parameter is passed in a TaskParameters list. More...

interface  Manager
 The Manager interface is a point of indirection for the Tasks that wish to be scheduled by a contention policy. More...

exception  MissingScheduleParameter
 Exception thrown when a required parameter is missing from the ScheduleParameters list. More...

exception  MissingTaskParameter
 Exception thrown when a required parameter is missing from the TaskParameters list. More...

struct  NamedValue
 The NamedValue structure is used to construct variable length argument lists for some methods. More...

interface  Policy
 A Policy provides an interface for objects that can manage contention for a resource. More...

interface  RealTimeTask
 The RealTimeTask interface encapsulates scheduling parameters for tasks that have real-time requirements. More...

interface  Task
 The Task interface encapsulates the per-process resource usage detection policy. More...

interface  TaskFactory
 A TaskFactory provides an interface for processes to request resource management by a task. More...


typedef sequence< NamedValueTaskParameters
 Sequence of NamedValue's used when creating a task.

typedef sequence< NamedValueScheduleParameters
 Sequence of NamedValue's used when beginning a scheduling period.

typedef sequence< TaskTaskList
 List of tasks.

Generated on Mon Dec 1 16:30:41 2003 for CPU Broker by doxygen 1.3.4