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CPU Broker Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
edu::utah::pces::AllupThe main interface to the Allup server
AllupImplA straight-forward implementation of the edu::utah::pces::Allup interface
ATRMain_quoA version of the ATRMain class that interacts with QuO
ATRWrapperWrapper class for the adapter/delegate
BasicDelegateA simple delegate that computes the number of deadlines missed and passes the value to Broker::RealTimeAdvocate::ReportCPU
Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskCallbackA basic callback for monitoring a real-time application
BasicTaskCallbackImplAn implementation of a Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskCallback that logs when its methods were called
Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskCallbackImplA subclass of the Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskCallbackPOA class generated from the BasicTaskContract
Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskQosketBasic Qosket for real-time tasks
BasicTaskQosketImplA subclass of the Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskQosketSkel class generated from the BasicTaskContract
Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskQosketImplA subclass of the Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskQosketSkel class generated from the BasicTaskContract
ContractDelegateA BasicDelegate that will evaluate a QuO contract during a precall/postcall
CORBA_quoA CORBA CommunicationsModel for the ATR that includes support for QuO
cpu_reserve_attrThe CPU reservation parameters
DelegateAbstract class for fake C++ delegates that work with the rk_stub library
BrokerDelegates::DelegateInterface for objects that will delegate method calls to another object
DelegateMixin< T, T_var >Base class for objects that wish to act as a delegate
Broker::DuplicateScheduleParameterException thrown when a duplicate parameter is found in the ScheduleParameters list
Broker::DuplicateTaskParameterException thrown when a duplicate parameter is found in the TaskParameters list
edu::utah::pces::FactoryLibraryThe FactoryLibrary interface provides a wrapper around shared libraries that can communicate with CORBA objects
FactoryLibrary_ltdlAn edu::utah::pces::FactoryLibrary implementation that uses libltdl
FakeDelegateAbstract class for fake C++ delegates that work with the rk_stub library
GlacialTaskAdvocateAn ExactTaskAdvocate that is slower to react to changes in the required amount of CPU time
HeyParserA parser for command-line arguments given in the pseudo-English "hey" form
HeyParser::PairHelper class that stores name/value pairs
HeyParserExceptionBase class for exceptions thrown by the parser
HeyPropertyInfoHelper class that holds descriptions of properties
Broker::InternalException thrown when an internal error occurs
Broker::InvalidScheduleParameterException thrown when an invalid parameter is passed in a ScheduleParameters list
Broker::InvalidStateXXX fill me in
Broker::InvalidStatusException thrown when an invalid status value is received by the implementation
Broker::InvalidTaskParameterException thrown when an invalid parameter is passed in a TaskParameters list
lnListA combined head and tail for lists that contain lnNode's
lnMinListA combined head and tail for lists that contain lnMinNode's
lnMinNodeBasic node structure that is used for doubly linked list
lnNodeExtended node structure that is used for doubly linked lists that can be ordered by priority
LoggingAdvocateA Broker::RealTimeAdvocate that suggests the task gets the exact amount of compute time as needed by the last period
Broker::ManagerThe Manager interface is a point of indirection for the Tasks that wish to be scheduled by a contention policy
ManagerImplA default implementation of the Broker::Manager interface
MaxDecayTaskAdvocateAn ExactTaskAdvocate that will always advise the maximum required processing time it has ever seen
Broker::MissingScheduleParameterException thrown when a required parameter is missing from the ScheduleParameters list
Broker::MissingTaskParameterException thrown when a required parameter is missing from the TaskParameters list
Broker::NamedValueThe NamedValue structure is used to construct variable length argument lists for some methods
NamingHelper< T >Utility functions for using the CORBA Naming Service
edu::utah::pces::NoSuchLibraryException raised when a library could not be found or loaded
Broker::PolicyA Policy provides an interface for objects that can manage contention for a resource
FrameManip::ProcessorSend data to node for processing
QuoAdvocateA Broker::RealTimeAdvocate that suggests the task gets the exact amount of compute time as needed by the last period
RealTimeScheduleUsed to help policies that manage Broker::RealTimeTask's
Broker::RealTimeTaskThe RealTimeTask interface encapsulates scheduling parameters for tasks that have real-time requirements
BrokerDelegates::RealTimeTaskDelegateDelegate for Broker::RealTimeTask objects
RealTimeTaskDelegateImplBase class for delegates of the Broker::RealTimeTask class
rk::ResourceSetNative class used to interact with TimeSys resource sets
ResourceSetTestTest for the rk.ResourceSet class
rk_reserve_paramThe resource reservation parameters
RKTaskAn implementation of Broker::RealTimeTask for the TimeSys resource kernel
RTServerSimple interface for a synthetic real-time server
RTServerImplBasic implementation of the RTServer interface
RTServerWrapperA QuO wrapper for the RTServerAdapter class
BrokerPolicies::StrictPolicyA simple strict priority-based contention policy
BrokerDelegates::StrictPolicyDelegateDelegate for BrokerPolicies::StrictPolicy objects
StrictPolicyDelegateImplBase class for objects that wish to act as a delegate of a BrokerPolicies::StrictPolicy object
StrictPolicyImplAn implementation of the StrictPolicy interface
StrictPolicyImpl::TaskPriorityList node used to track tasks that this policy is managing
StubBasicTaskCallbackA stub Qosket::Basic::BasicTaskCallback that can be used for testing
StubBasicTaskQosketA BasicTaskQosketImpl subclass that can be used for testing
StubPolicyA Broker::Policy subclass that can be used for testing
StubRealTimeTaskA Broker::RealTimeTask class that can be used for testing
StubTaskA Broker::Task class that can be used for testing
Broker::TaskThe Task interface encapsulates the per-process resource usage detection policy
BrokerDelegates::TaskDelegateDelegate for Broker::Task objects
Broker::TaskFactoryA TaskFactory provides an interface for processes to request resource management by a task
TaskFactoryTemplate< T >Template for task factories that just construct a task with the Broker::TaskParameters passed to Broker::TaskFactory::CreateTask

Generated on Mon Dec 1 16:30:30 2003 for CPU Broker by doxygen 1.3.4