Bees v0.5.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use Neighbor
apps.discovery Protocol and test application for discovering neighbors on the same LAN. 
apps.liveness Protocol and test application for testing the responsiveness of neighbors. 
apps.pathfinder A simple routing protocol that builds a tree of nodes for forwarding client packets to a server and multicasting server packets to the clients. 
bees.core The core functionality for Bees, including, capabilities, coroutines, and events. 
bees.core.resource This package holds most of the system provided capabilities. 

Uses of Neighbor in apps.discovery

Subclasses of Neighbor in apps.discovery
 class BroadcastNeighbor
          A Neighbor subclass that tracks the advertised material received from this neighbor and the set of advertisement capsule to send through this neighbor.

Methods in apps.discovery with parameters of type Neighbor
 void DiscoveryProtocolSession.attachNeighbor(Node node, Neighbor neighbor)

Uses of Neighbor in apps.liveness

Subclasses of Neighbor in apps.liveness
 class LiveNeighbor
          A LiveNeighbor is a Neighbor subclass that is used to track the responsiveness of a neighbor.

Methods in apps.liveness with parameters of type Neighbor
 void LivenessSession.attachNeighbor(Node node, Neighbor neighbor)
 void LivenessSession.detachNeighbor(Node node, Neighbor neighbor)

Uses of Neighbor in apps.pathfinder

Methods in apps.pathfinder that return Neighbor
 Neighbor PathfinderSession.getRootNeighbor()

Methods in apps.pathfinder with parameters of type Neighbor
 void ConfigurationCapsule.setRootNeighbor(Neighbor rootNeighbor)
 void PathfinderSession.attachNeighbor(Node node, Neighbor neighbor)
 void PathfinderSession.detachNeighbor(Node node, Neighbor neighbor)

Uses of Neighbor in bees.core

Methods in bees.core that return Neighbor
 Neighbor CapsuleReceiver.getNeighbor()
 Neighbor DLProtocolSession.getPreviousNeighbor()
 Neighbor NeighborImpl.getNeighbor(ProtocolSession ps)
          Get a ProtocolSession to Neighbor mapping.
 Neighbor NeighborImpl.getNeighbor(ExternalCapsule ec)
          Get an ExternalCapsule to Neighbor mapping.

Methods in bees.core with parameters of type Neighbor
 void ProtocolSession.attachNeighbor(Node node, Neighbor neighbor)
          Call back used to attach receivers for this protocol's Capsules.
 void ProtocolSession.detachNeighbor(Node node, Neighbor neighbor)
          Call back used to detach receivers for this protocol's Capsules.
 void IDTranslatorSession.attachNeighbor(Node node, Neighbor neighbor)
protected abstract  void NeighborImpl.cancelReceivers(Neighbor neighbor, TypeID capsuleTypeID)
          Call back to be implemented by the class that will receive Capsules.

Uses of Neighbor in bees.core.resource

Methods in bees.core.resource with parameters of type Neighbor
protected  void NodeOSNeighbor.cancelReceivers(Neighbor neighbor, TypeID capsuleTypeID)

Bees v0.5.0 API

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