CS 6190 Probabilistic Modeling, Fall 2019

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Tue & Thu at WEB L103 03:40PM-05:00PM

Final Exame

Tue, Dec 10, 2019, 3:30pm - 5:30pm, in classroom (WEB L103)

Instructor: Shandian Zhe

Office MEB 3466
Email zhe at cs dot utah dot edu
TM: Zhimeng Pan (z dot pan at utah dot edu)
TA: Zhenduo Wang (zhenduow at cs.utah.edu)
Note:We have office hours EVERY weekday!
Office Hours       Instructor: Before each class, 2:30pm-3:30pm        Tue and Thu (MEB 3466)
Zhimeng Pan: Mon. 2:00PM - 3:30PM (MEB 3225), Fri. 3:00PM - 4:30PM (MEB 3159)
Zhengduo Wang: Wed. 10:00AM - 11:30AM (MEB 3159)



The course introduces basic knowledge of probabilistic modeling and learning. Topics cover fundamental concepts of Bayesian statistics, probabilistic graphical models, general linear models, approximate inference (e.g., variational inference, expectation propagation and Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo), Bayesian (deep) neural networks, Gaussian process regression, etc. Through this class, we expect that you will

1. understand the principles and paradigms of probabilistic learning,

2. be able to explore relevant literature, exploit existing and/or create new probabilistic modeling/learning tools for your own research or work interests,

3. be well prepared to dive into the cutting-edge research in probabilistic machine learning.


The grades are based on the following components:

The grades will NOT be curved.

Assignments must be electronically submitted through Canvas by midnight of the due date. Instructions about submission will be given in each assignment. Hand written versions or scans will not be accepted.

Instructions for programming assignments

  1. You are required to use MATLAB, Python and/or R for the programming portion of the assignments or projects. Other programming languages, however, are NOT accepted. Some programming tasks may require you to use TensorFlow or PyTorch. That means, you have to use Python for those tasks.

  2. Please include a README.txt file in your submission so that the TAs or the instructor can follow the instructions to test your code. Absence of the readme file will result in 0 grades for the submission.

Late policy

All assignments should be submitted by the deadline. If the deadline is missed, the late submissions will have 10% penalty. In every subsequent 24 hours, the late submissions will loose another 10% credicts. For example, a 10 points assignment will have 2 points penalty, if it is submitted 30 hours late. However, if the assignment is not turned in until the other assignment have been graded and returned or 48 hours after the deadline, 0 grade will be given.