
  • These assignments require you to solve theoretical and empirical problems relating to data structures and algorithms.

  • Assignment #1 and #2 will be done individually. Final project in teams of 2 or 3.

  • You are encouraged to find your own team mate. But in case you are not able to find one yourself, let the TA know and we will try to randomly pair you up with another student who is also looking for a team mate.

  • It is okay to discuss about the projects with your peers at a conceptual level. It is also okay to post questions and useful references/pointers on Piazza/Canvas. But do NOT share any code in any form across teams or individuals. Do NOT post any code online on Piazza or wherever else. Also, do NOT look at solution code from elsewhere, whether it is from another team or individual or online. Such forms of unauthorized collusion or cheating are violations of academic integrity. All code a team submits must be entirely that team's own work.

  • We will use advanced program analysis tools, as well as manual inspection, to compare your code submissions. If plagiarism is detected in your code, or if any other form of academic integrity violation is identified, you will get zero for that component of your score and get downgraded substantially. I will also notify the University authorities for appropriate disciplinary action to be taken, up to and including expulsion from the University.

  • The project statements, codebase, and TA talk slides and videos will be posted here in due course.