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A couple of introductory questions

Hello from a newbie:

  My name is Peter Lutz and I am a Professor of Information
Technology at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester,
NY.  I have a couple of questions about JANOS that perhaps
you can answer for me.  At the end of this email, FYI, is
a short intro to why I care and who I am, as I may have
other questions in the future, and you might be able to help
me in that case.

1. The most important regards the layered architecture
of the JANOS system.  On the page:
a layered architecture is displayed.  Is this still accurate?
In particular, for a stand alone system, does one still
need (from the bottom up) the OSKit, Moab, then the JanosVM
and the Java NodeOS and then ANTS?  

2. If the answer to the above is YES, then in the case of
ANTS running on top of UNIX, where is the NodeOS?  Is it
the eumlation .jar file???  This is what I suspect, but
I am uncertain.  Also, is there a layered diagram for this
emulated environment that I could view?

Thanks in advance for your time.

RIT is a teaching University of about 14000 students.  I
have been teaching here for 22 years, since receiving my
Ph.D. in CS from SUNY/Buffalo in 1979.

As a teaching university, research is respected, but not
required.  The upshot of this is that I have no research / 
publication record.  Of late, however, I have become 
intereseted in starting a research, or applied research,
project.  My area of specialty is in networking, with an
emphasis at the network and transport layers.

This, plus a little research, drew me to Active Networking.
Your work seems elegant and the entire comcept would appear
a natural evolution of networking.

As it happens, I have access to an IBM Network Processor
and am considering implementing the NodeOS specification
on this platform.  I am constrained by an NDA from
revealing any details about the platform, but it appears
to be a close match to the NodeOS spec.

All of this has led me to read many papers in Active 
Networking and to set up a small (3 nodes) network to
experiment with some of the software available from the
research community.  I am working with ANTS and JANOS
at this time and just starting to have some success.

If you read the above, I hope it helps you understand who
I am and what I am about.  If you have comments to offer,
please feel free to do so.

Pete Lutz
Peter H. Lutz, Ph.D.
Professor of Information Technology
Coordinator of Networking and System Administration
Department of Information Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
102 Lomb Memorial Drive - Bldg. 70
Rochester, NY  14623 
VOICE: 716 475-6162
FAX:   716 475-2181
EMAIL: lutz@it.rit.edu 

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Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah