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Re: Janos infrastructure Binary availability Question

> Dear Janos-Authors,
>   Recently we tried to use Janos (Java VM, NodeOS, ANTS) for our
> multimedia research at our institute. We are also planning to repeat
> the performance measurements described in your two papers about your
> research. Unfortunately we don't succeed in building (compiling) the
> components and connecting them together.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if the released versions will all work
together, theres quite a few versioning problems with this many
components, sorry.  Heres what should work together:

  oskit - moab

  regular jvm - jnodeos - ants

Anyways, we'd be interested to here what problems you had while compiling
so we can get them fixed for others.

> Therefore we would kindly ask
> you to make some information about a binary release available
> either on the web or via other ways to download (even working alpha
> builds were interesting for us, by which we can repeat the
> performance measurements you have already done in your publications).
>   Any help would be useful for us. And thank you in advance.

This is kinda hard because configuration stuff gets bound up in the binary
file that gets booted on a bare machine and theres probably other things
that are hard without having the source available.  But, if you really
want to try it we'll need information about your hardware, down to the
ethernet card addresses, and exactly what you want to do.

>   Sincerely yours,
> Csizmazia Balazs

tim stack

[ Janos ] [ OSKit ] [ Network Testbed ] [ Flick ] [ Fluke ]
Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah