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Question! (Thank you!)

My name is Wonjun Lee of Purdue.
I have some problems installing Janos Node OS on the Linux environment.
As you said, I executed configure file after extracting tar
file(jnodeos-20010214.tar). It worked well I think.
But when I build node os files, Always, there are error messages like
[root@tornado jnodeos-20010214]# ./build
Compiling route package (debug)
/root/jnodeos-20010214/src/route/AddressFactory.Java:1: error:Cannot find
type "edu/utah/janos/nodeos/Address"
/root/jnodeos-20010214/src/route/RemoteRouteTable.Java:1: error:Cannot
find type "edu/utah/janos/nodeos/Address"
/root/jnodeos-20010214/src/route/RouteEntry.Java:1: error:Cannot find type
/root/jnodeos-20010214/src/route/RouteTable.Java:1: error:Cannot find type
/root/jnodeos-20010214/src/route/WriteableRouteTable.Java:1: error:Cannot
find type "edu/utah/janos/nodeos/NoSuchNodeAddress"
make[1]: *** [.compile_route] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

I think it is because of just one problem.
Can you tell me where there is a problem and where I should check?

Thank you so much.

Wonjun Lee

[ Janos ] [ OSKit ] [ Network Testbed ] [ Flick ] [ Fluke ]
Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah