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Re: Problems building Janos 11/5

> I hope this is the right place to post questions (as opposed to an open
> dicussion list).  Please direct me to the approproate list if this is not
> the right list.

You've got the right list.

First problem is that none of the .Java files are showing up in the
debug output.  This means that the Makefiles think there is nothing to 
compile in the package.  That's quite odd.  For example:

>   core sources     =
>   core CPP sources =
>   core EXPECTED_CPP sources =

Each line should have about 40 fully-qualified file names on it.  I
belive this is the extent of the problem.  However, I've got no idea
what would cause this problem.  What does 
	echo /home/lewis/janos-991105/java/core/*.Java 
give you?  Are there any funny symlinks or stuff like that involved in 
the path?

> # COMPILE_JAVA    = CLASSPATH=:/home/lewis/janos-991105/java/classes-debug
> jikes
> This seems backwards.

/bin/sh lets you set environment variables on a command line.  Try

	$ printenv VAR
	$ VAR=foo printenv VAR

The colon in the CLASSPATH doesn't seem to cause any problems (though
it looks weird).

>  [ ~/janos-991105/java 367 ] ./build VERBOSEMAKE=yes JAVACLASSPATH=$JIKESPATH\

You can predefine the JAVACLASSPATH argument by using the
--classpath=foo when you run ./configure.  It shouldn't make a
difference, though.

Hope this helps some.  Sorry this is more difficult than it should be.


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu
       Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep until noon!

[ Janos ] [ OSKit ] [ Network Testbed ] [ Flick ] [ Fluke ]
Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah