

Evaluate the Hessian matrix for a generalised linear model.


h = glmhess(net, x, t)
[h, hdata] = glmhess(net, x, t)
h = glmhess(net, x, t, hdata)


h = glmhess(net, x, t) takes a GLM network data structure net, a matrix x of input values, and a matrix t of target values and returns the full Hessian matrix h corresponding to the second derivatives of the negative log posterior distribution, evaluated for the current weight and bias values as defined by net. Note that the target data is not required in the calculation, but is included to make the interface uniform with nethess. For linear and logistic outputs, the computation is very simple and is done (in effect) in one line in glmtrain.

[h, hdata] = glmhess(net, x, t) returns both the Hessian matrix h and the contribution hdata arising from the data dependent term in the Hessian.

h = glmhess(net, x, t, hdata) takes a network data structure net, a matrix x of input values, and a matrix t of target values, together with the contribution hdata arising from the data dependent term in the Hessian, and returns the full Hessian matrix h corresponding to the second derivatives of the negative log posterior distribution. This version saves computation time if hdata has already been evaluated for the current weight and bias values.


The Hessian matrix is used by glmtrain to take a Newton step for softmax outputs.

Hessian = glmhess(net, x, t);
deltaw = -gradient*pinv(Hessian);

See Also

glm, glmtrain, hesschek, nethess
Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-9)