

Create a generalized linear model.


net = glm(nin, nout, func)
net = glm(nin, nout, func, prior)
net = glm(nin, nout, func, prior, beta)


net = glm(nin, nout, func) takes the number of inputs and outputs for a generalized linear model, together with a string func which specifies the output unit activation function, and returns a data structure net. The weights are drawn from a zero mean, isotropic Gaussian, with variance scaled by the fan-in of the output units. This makes use of the Matlab function randn and so the seed for the random weight initialization can be set using randn('state', s) where s is the seed value. The optional argument alpha sets the inverse variance for the weight initialization.

The fields in net are

  type = 'glm'
  nin = number of inputs
  nout = number of outputs
  nwts = total number of weights and biases
  actfn = string describing the output unit activation function:
  w1 = first-layer weight matrix
  b1 = first-layer bias vector

net = glm(nin, nout, func, prior), in which prior is a scalar, allows the field net.alpha in the data structure net to be set, corresponding to a zero-mean isotropic Gaussian prior with inverse variance with value prior. Alternatively, prior can consist of a data structure with fields alpha and index, allowing individual Gaussian priors to be set over groups of weights in the network. Here alpha is a column vector in which each element corresponds to a separate group of weights, which need not be mutually exclusive. The membership of the groups is defined by the matrix index in which the columns correspond to the elements of alpha. Each column has one element for each weight in the matrix, in the order defined by the function glmpak, and each element is 1 or 0 according to whether the weight is a member of the corresponding group or not.

net = glm(nin, nout, func, prior, beta) also sets the additional field net.beta in the data structure net, where beta corresponds to the inverse noise variance.

See Also

glmpak, glmunpak, glmfwd, glmerr, glmgrad, glmtrain
Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-9)