

Evaluate gradient of error function for generalized linear model.


g = glmgrad(net, x, t)
[g, gdata, gprior] = glmgrad(net, x, t)


g = glmgrad(net, x, t) takes a generalized linear model data structure net together with a matrix x of input vectors and a matrix t of target vectors, and evaluates the gradient g of the error function with respect to the network weights. The error function corresponds to the choice of output unit activation function. Each row of x corresponds to one input vector and each row of t corresponds to one target vector.

[g, gdata, gprior] = glmgrad(net, x, t) also returns separately the data and prior contributions to the gradient.

See Also

glm, glmpak, glmunpak, glmfwd, glmerr, glmtrain
Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-9)