1.1 Monday Morning


What is HtDP? (Analogy to astronomy around 1500, or some better intro.)

Computation starts in first grade with 1 + 1 = 2. Then you learn rules like precedence. Then it gets interesting when you learn substitution in algebra.

Computation in Scheme uses slightly different notations – more consistent, it turns out, in the long run. (Use board then DrScheme)

Not just numbers: booleans, strings, images.

So much for computation. Now, to programming...

Design (recipe by example):
  ; current-age-minutes : number number -> number
  ; To convert the difference in seconds to minutes, rounding down
  (check-expect (current-age-minutes 0 0) 0)
  (check-expect (current-age-minutes 0 60) 1)
  (check-expect (current-age-minutes 0 67) 1)
  (check-expect (current-age-minutes 0 789) 13)
  (define (current-age-minutes birth now)
    (quotient (- now birth) 60))

Show first design recipe.

Design with reuse:
  ; display-minutes : number number -> image
  ; To convert the difference in seconds to a minute display
  (check-expect (display-minutes 0 0) (text "0" 12 "black"))
  (check-expect (display-minutes 0 789) (text "13" 12 "black"))
  (define (display-minutes birth now)
    (text (number->string (current-age-minutes birth now)) 12 "black"))

Conditionals (leads to refined design recipe):
  ; display-age : number number -> image
  ; To convert the difference in seconds to an age display,
  ; in seconds (up to a minute) with "s", minutes (up to an hour)
  ; with "m", or hours with "h"
  (check-expect (display-age 0 0) (text "0s" 12 "black"))
  (check-expect (display-age 0 789) (text "13m" 12 "black"))
  (check-expect (display-age 0 3607) (text "1h" 12 "black"))
  (define (display-age birth now)
      [(zero? (current-age-minutes birth now))
       (time->image (- now birth) "s")]
      [(> (current-age-minutes birth now) 60)
       (time->image (quotient (current-age-minutes birth now) 60) "h")]
       (time->image (current-age-minutes birth now) "m")]))
   ; Via wish list:
   ; time->image : number string -> image
   (check-expect (time->image 0 "s") (text "0s" 12 "black"))
   (check-expect (time->image 10 "h") (text "10h" 12 "black"))
   (define (time->image n s)
     (text (string-append (number->string n) s) 12 "black"))