Class PeriodicTimer

  extended byjavax.realtime.AsyncEvent
      extended byjavax.realtime.Timer
          extended byjavax.realtime.PeriodicTimer

public class PeriodicTimer
extends Timer

An AsynchEvent whose fire() method is executed periodically according to the given parameters. If a clock is given, calculation of the period uses the increments of the clock. If an interval is given or set the system guarantees that the fire() method will execute interval time units after the last execution or its given start time as appropriate.

If one of the HighResolutionTime argument types is RationalTime then the system guarantees that the fire() method will be executed exactly frequency times every time unit (see RationalTime constructors) by adjusting the interval between executions of fire(). This is similar to a thread with PeriodicParameters except that it is lighter weight. If a PeriodicTimer is disabled, it still counts, and if enabled at some later time, it will fire at its next scheduled time.

Field Summary
protected  RelativeTime interval
          The interval of this PeriodicTimer
Fields inherited from class javax.realtime.Timer
clock, time
Fields inherited from class javax.realtime.AsyncEvent
Constructor Summary
PeriodicTimer(HighResolutionTime start, RelativeTime interval, AsyncEventHandler handler)
          Create an instance of AsynchEvent that executes its fire() method periodically.
PeriodicTimer(HighResolutionTime start, RelativeTime interval, Clock clock, AsyncEventHandler handler)
          Create an instance of AsynchEvent that executes its fire() method periodically.
Method Summary
 ReleaseParameters createReleaseParameters()
          Create a ReleaseParameters object with the next fire time as the start time and the interval of this as the period.
 AbsoluteTime getFireTime()
          Get the time at which this event will fire.
 RelativeTime getInterval()
          Return the interval of this Timer.
 void setInterval(RelativeTime interval)
          Reset the interval of this Timer
Methods inherited from class javax.realtime.Timer
destroy, disable, enable, getClock, isRunning, reschedule, start, stop
Methods inherited from class javax.realtime.AsyncEvent
addHandler, bindTo, fire, handledBy, removeHandler, setHandler, unbindTo
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected RelativeTime interval
The interval of this PeriodicTimer

Constructor Detail


public PeriodicTimer(HighResolutionTime start,
                     RelativeTime interval,
                     AsyncEventHandler handler)
Create an instance of AsynchEvent that executes its fire() method periodically.

start - the time when the first interval begins
interval - the time between successive executions of the fire() method
handler - the instance of AsynchEventHandler that will be scheduled each time the fire event method is executed.


public PeriodicTimer(HighResolutionTime start,
                     RelativeTime interval,
                     Clock clock,
                     AsyncEventHandler handler)
Create an instance of AsynchEvent that executes its fire() method periodically.

start - the time when the first interval begins
interval - the time between successive executions of the fire() method
clock - the clock whose increments are used to calculate the interval
handler - the instance of AsynchEventHandler that will be scheduled each time the fire() method is executed.
Method Detail


public ReleaseParameters createReleaseParameters()
Create a ReleaseParameters object with the next fire time as the start time and the interval of this as the period.

createReleaseParameters in class Timer
an instance of ReleaseParameters object


public AbsoluteTime getFireTime()
Description copied from class: Timer
Get the time at which this event will fire.

Not currently implemented

getFireTime in class Timer
the next time at which this will fire.

Not currently implemented


public RelativeTime getInterval()
Return the interval of this Timer.

a RelativeTime object which is the current interval of this.


public void setInterval(RelativeTime interval)
Reset the interval of this Timer

interval - a RelativeTime object which is the interval to reset this Timer.