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00001 /*
00002  *
00003  *
00004  * Copyright (c) 2003 The University of Utah and the Flux Group.
00005  * All rights reserved.
00006  *
00007  * This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License.  
00008  * See the file "license.terms" for restrictions on redistribution 
00009  * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
00010  */
00012 /**
00013  * @file
00014  *
00015  * QuO enabled replacement of the ATR's main class.
00016  */
00018 import imagerec.corba.*;
00020 import imagerec.graph.*;
00022 /**
00023  * A version of the ATRMain class that interacts with QuO.
00024  */
00025 public class ATRMain_quo
00026 {
00027     /** The entry point to the ATR main program.
00028      *
00029      *  @param args Should include parameters for contacting 
00030      *              the CORBA name service.
00031      */
00032     public static void main(String args[]) {
00033         /*
00034          * New development of pipelines can be found in {@link Main} 
00035          * (under imagerec.jar).  When pipelines are finished development,
00036          * they will be placed in this file.
00037          */
00039         if (args.length<4) {
00040             System.out.println("Usage: java -jar ATR.jar");
00041             System.out.println("       <'timer'|'notimer'>");
00042             System.out.println("       <pipeline #>");
00043             System.out.println("       <CORBA name for ATR>");
00044             System.out.println("       <CORBA name for Alert>");
00045             System.out.println("       [CORBA options]");
00046             System.out.println("--or-- ");
00047             System.out.println("       java -jar ATR.jar");
00048             System.out.println("       <'timer'|'notimer'>");
00049             System.out.println("       <pipeline #>");
00050             System.out.println("       <Event Channel Name>");
00051             System.out.println("       <CORBA name for ATR>");
00052             System.out.println("       <CORBA name for Alert>");
00053             System.out.println("       [CORBA options]");
00054             System.out.println("");
00055             System.out.println("For pipelines 1-3, use format #1.");
00056             System.out.println("For pipeline 4, use format #2.");
00057             System.exit(-1);
00058         }
00059         int pipelineNumber = 0;
00060         try {
00061             pipelineNumber = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
00062         }
00063         catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
00064             System.out.println("Error: Pipeline argument was not a valid integer.");
00065             System.exit(-1);
00066         }
00068         if (pipelineNumber <= 0) {
00069             System.out.println("Error: Pipeline # must be > 0 (value was '"+pipelineNumber+")");
00070             System.exit(-1);
00071         }
00072         else {
00073             boolean timer = args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("timer");
00074             Node timer1;
00075             Node timer2;
00076             Node receivingTimer;
00077             Node trackingTimer;
00078             //if timer is requested, then timer1/timer2 are made to be Timer nodes,
00079             //otherwise, they become dummy Nodes, and ImageDatas will just be passed through
00080             //with minimal performance impact
00081             if (timer) {
00082                 timer1 = new Timer(true, false, null);
00083                 timer2 = new Timer(false, true, "Processing", null);
00084                 receivingTimer = new Timer(false, true, "Receiving Frame", null);
00085                 trackingTimer = new Timer(true, false, "Tracking", null);
00086             }
00087             else {
00088                 timer1 = new Node();
00089                 timer2 = new Node();
00090                 receivingTimer = new Node();
00091                 trackingTimer = new Node();
00092             }
00093             Node pipe = null;
00094             Node alert = null;
00095             if ((pipelineNumber == 1)||
00096                 (pipelineNumber == 2)||
00097                 (pipelineNumber == 3)) {
00098                 alert = new Alert(new CORBA_quo(args), args[3]);
00099             } else if (pipelineNumber == 4) {
00100                 alert = new Alert(new EventChannel(args, args[3]), args[4]);
00101                 pipelineNumber = 3;
00102             }
00103             if (pipelineNumber == 1) {
00104                 Node robCross = new RobertsCross(null);
00105                 Node thresh = new Thresholding(null);
00106                 Label label = new Label(Label.DEFAULT1, null, null);
00107                 label.findOneObject(true);
00108                 Node range = new RangeFind(null);
00109                 pipe = receivingTimer.linkL(timer1.linkL(robCross.linkL(thresh.linkL(,
00110                                                                            range.linkL(timer2.linkL(trackingTimer.linkL(alert))))))));
00111                 (new ATR(new CORBA_quo(args), args[2], pipe)).run();
00112             }
00113             else if (pipelineNumber == 2) {
00114                 Node labelBlue = new LabelBlue(null, null);
00115                 Node range = new RangeFind(null);
00116                 pipe = receivingTimer.linkL(timer1.linkL(,
00117                                                    range.linkL(timer2.linkL(trackingTimer.linkL(alert))))));
00118                 (new ATR(new CORBA_quo(args), args[2], pipe)).run();
00119             }
00120             else if (pipelineNumber == 3) {
00121                 Node cleanCache = new Cache(1, null, null);
00122                 Node n = new Node();
00123                 LabelBlue labelBlue = new LabelBlue(null, null);
00124                 labelBlue.calibrateAndProcessSeparately(true);
00125                 Node calibCmd = new Command(Command.CALIBRATION_IMAGE, null);
00126                 Node noneCmd = new Command(Command.NONE, null);
00127                 Node copy = new Copy(null);
00128                 Node robCross = new RobertsCross(null);
00129                 Node thresh = new Thresholding(null);
00130                 Node hyst = new Hysteresis(null);
00131                 Node label = new Label(null, null);
00132                 Node labelSmCache = new Cache(1, null, null);
00133                 Node getCropCmd = new Command(Command.GET_CROPPED_IMAGE, null);
00134                 Node thin = new Thinning(Thinning.BLUE, null);
00135                 Node range = new RangeFind(null);
00136                 Node getLabelSmCmd = new Command(Command.GET_IMAGE, null);
00137                 pipe = 
00138                 receivingTimer.linkL(timer1.linkL(,
00139                                                     noneCmd.linkL(copy.linkL(,
00140                                                                                  ,
00141                                                                                              ,
00142                                                                                                        ,
00143                                                                                                                   ,
00144                                                                                                                                     ,
00145                                                                                                                                                         range.linkL(timer2.linkL(trackingTimer.linkL(alert)))))))))))),
00147                                    ,
00148                                                             getLabelSmCmd.linkL(labelSmCache)))));
00150                 (new ATR(new CORBA_quo(args), args[2], pipe)).run();
00151             }
00152             else if (pipelineNumber == 4) {
00153                 // "contactService"
00154                 Node cleanCache = new Cache(1, null, null);
00155                 Node n = new Node();
00156                 LabelBlue labelBlue = new LabelBlue(null, null);
00157                 labelBlue.calibrateAndProcessSeparately(true);
00158                 Node calibCmd = new Command(Command.CALIBRATION_IMAGE, null);
00159                 Node noneCmd = new Command(Command.NONE, null);
00160                 Node copy = new Copy(null);
00161                 Node robCross = new RobertsCross(null);
00162                 Node thresh = new Thresholding(null);
00163                 Node hyst = new Hysteresis(null);
00164                 Node label = new Label(null, null);
00165                 Node labelSmCache = new Cache(1, null, null);
00166                 Node getCropCmd = new Command(Command.GET_CROPPED_IMAGE, null);
00167                 Node thin = new Thinning(Thinning.BLUE, null);
00168                 Node range = new RangeFind(null);
00169                 Node getLabelSmCmd = new Command(Command.GET_IMAGE, null);
00170                 pipe = 
00171                 receivingTimer.linkL(timer1.linkL(,
00172                                                     noneCmd.linkL(copy.linkL(,
00173                                                                                  ,
00174                                                                                              ,
00175                                                                                                        ,
00176                                                                                                                   ,
00177                                                                                                                                     ,
00178                                                                                                                                                         range.linkL(timer2.linkL(trackingTimer.linkL(alert)))))))))))),
00180                                    ,
00181                                                             getLabelSmCmd.linkL(labelSmCache)))));
00183             } else {
00184                 System.out.println("Error: Pipeline #"+pipelineNumber+" not implemented yet.");
00185                 System.exit(-1);
00186             }
00187             (new ATR(new CORBA_quo(args), args[2], pipe)).run();
00188         }//else [if(pipelineNumber <= 0)]
00189     }//public static void main()
00190 }

Generated on Mon Dec 1 16:29:05 2003 for CPU Broker by doxygen 1.3.4