JNodeOS v1.1.5 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use AddressFormatException

Uses of AddressFormatException in edu.utah.janos.nodeos

Methods in edu.utah.janos.nodeos that throw AddressFormatException
static int Address.fromString(java.lang.String name)
          Generate a 32-bit integer from the given string address.

Uses of AddressFormatException in edu.utah.janos.route

Methods in edu.utah.janos.route that throw AddressFormatException
 void WriteableRouteTable.addRoute(int activeDest, int activeNext, java.lang.String physNext)
          Add a route to the table.

Constructors in edu.utah.janos.route that throw AddressFormatException
RouteEntry.RouteEntry(int dst, int nxt, java.lang.String a)
          Create a new RouteEntry for the given destination whose next hop is the given next/addr.

JNodeOS v1.1.5 API

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