JanosVM v1.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use Link
java.lang.isolate JanosVM Isolate API Prototype 

Uses of Link in java.lang.isolate

Subclasses of Link in java.lang.isolate
(package private)  class BidiLink_Left
(package private)  class BidiLink_Neither
(package private)  class BidiLink_Right
(package private)  class BidirectionalLink
          A bidirectional connection between two Isolates.
(package private)  class EventLink
(package private)  class EventLink_Attached
(package private)  class EventLink_Unattached
(package private)  class OneWayLink
          A unidirectional connection from one Isolate to another.
(package private)  class OneWayLink_Both
          Implementation of a OneWayLink for the case where the same Isolate is both the sender and the receiver.
(package private)  class OneWayLink_Neither
(package private)  class OneWayLink_Receiver
          OneWayLink instance for the receiver end of the link.
(package private)  class OneWayLink_Sender

Fields in java.lang.isolate declared as Link
(package private)  Link IsolateMessage_Link.l

Methods in java.lang.isolate that return Link
 Link IsolateMessage.getLink()
static Link Link.newLink(Isolate sender, Isolate receiver)
static Link Link.newEventLink(Isolate sender, Isolate receiver)
(package private) abstract  Link Link.clone(TeamHandle sourceTeam, TeamHandle currentTeam)
          Clone this link (from the sourceTeam context) in the (current, destintion) Team context.
(package private)  Link BidirectionalLink.clone(TeamHandle sourceTeam, TeamHandle currentTeam)
 Link Isolate.newEventLink()
(package private)  Link OneWayLink.clone(TeamHandle sourceTeam, TeamHandle currentTeam)
(package private)  Link EventLink.clone(TeamHandle sourceTeam, TeamHandle currentTeam)
 Link IsolateMessage_Link.getLink()

Methods in java.lang.isolate with parameters of type Link
static IsolateMessage IsolateMessage.newLinkMessage(Link l)
 void IsolateMessageDispatcher.add(Link link, IsolateMessageDispatcher.Listener listener)
 void IsolateMessageDispatcher.remove(Link link)
private  void IsolateMessageDispatcher.dispatchFailure(java.lang.Object[] listeners, Link link, java.lang.Throwable th)
          Invoke the given listener's receiveFailed.
private  void IsolateMessageDispatcher.dispatchMessage(java.lang.Object[] listeners, Link link, IsolateMessage im)
          Invoke the given listener's messageReceived.
 void IsolateMessageDispatcher.Listener.messageReceived(IsolateMessageDispatcher dispatcher, Link link, IsolateMessage message)
 void IsolateMessageDispatcher.Listener.receiveFailed(IsolateMessageDispatcher dispatcher, Link link, java.lang.Throwable throwable)

Constructors in java.lang.isolate with parameters of type Link
IsolateMessage_Link(Link l)

JanosVM v1.0 API

This documentation is Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The University of Utah. All Rights Reserved. See the documentation license for distribution terms and restrictions.
Documentation, software, and mailing lists for the JanosVM can be found at the Janos Project web page: http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/janos/
Generated on Feb 13, 2003