JanosVM v1.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use CommSpaceHandle
edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.commspace A tuple space communication mechanism for the JanosVM. 

Uses of CommSpaceHandle in edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.commspace

Methods in edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.commspace that return CommSpaceHandle
 CommSpaceHandle CommSpaceElement.getCommSpaceHandle()
static CommSpaceHandle CommSpaceHandle.newCommSpace(int size)
          Create a new CommSpace of the given size and return a handle to it.
static CommSpaceHandle CommSpaceHandle.newCommSpace(CommSpaceHandle csh, int size)
          Create a CommSpace and attach it to the given handle.

Methods in edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.commspace with parameters of type CommSpaceHandle
static CommSpaceHandle CommSpaceHandle.newCommSpace(CommSpaceHandle csh, int size)
          Create a CommSpace and attach it to the given handle.

Constructors in edu.utah.janosvm.kit.comm.commspace with parameters of type CommSpaceHandle
CommSpaceElement(CommSpaceHandle val)
CommSpaceHandle(CommSpaceHandle other)
          Copy constructor.

JanosVM v1.0 API

This documentation is Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The University of Utah. All Rights Reserved. See the documentation license for distribution terms and restrictions.
Documentation, software, and mailing lists for the JanosVM can be found at the Janos Project web page: http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/janos/
Generated on Feb 13, 2003