About the Benchmarks

The benchmarks are taken from the Gambit-C distribution. For basic information, see http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~gambit/bench.html, but we have used the following compact mode names for the table:

and the following versions: on The benchmarks were generated by patching bench.tgz from the Gambit-C 4.6.0 distribution with this patch.

All results are based on CPU time, and the results are normalized to one of the times. By default, the results in a given row are normalized to the fastest time in the row, which is shown in the leftmost column. The cell for the fastest time in a row is always in bold green; by default, a white background also highlights the fastest time, but clicking one of the group titles restricts the white background to the fastest time within the group, while aslo normalizing all columns to the white-cell time. Clicking the title of an individual column normalizes all rows to that column's times (and disables all white backgrounds).

Click mode in the upper-left corner of the benchmark page to group the columns by compilation mode, and click impl to group the benchmarks by implementation.

For similar benchmarks with more compilers, see this other page.