School of Computing
University of Utah

H. James de St. Germain

Linnea and Family, First Pics

See the new baby.

Henri says, "Happy Mardi Gras!"

See Henri with his Beads

Family and Friends

In the end, all that truly matters are the people who we love and the love that we have for those around us.


"I don't know much
But I know I love you
And that may be all there is to know"

        Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville



Henri James de St. Germain

Born - September 4th, 2005

Weight: 8 pounds, 12 ounces
Length: 20 inches
Head: 35 centimeter diameter

Salt Lake Regional Medical Center
Salt Lake City, UT

Growth update - September 14th, 2005

Weight: 9 pounds
Length: 22 inches
Head: 36 centimeter diameter

Growth update - Oct 4th, 2005

Weight: 11 pounds
Length: 23 inches

Growth update - Dec 4th, 2005

Weight: 14.5 pounds

Monika de St. Germain





Family & Friends

Last Updated, Sept. 2005