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[plt-scheme] Strange problem with servlets

Hi, I am trying to write scheme-servlets but seems to face a strange

1. Open a NEW Explorer window and address the servlet.
2. After filling in the form, Explorer waits forever or until I stop and
submit the same form again.

Some remarks;

- If I press refresh before filling out the form, the problem disappears and
the servlet continues.
- The problem does not occur on Opera web-browsers.
- It works after pressing stop and pressing submit button again.
- I am using Explorer 6.0 & running the servlets on Windows XP (to be ported
to a Linux-server).
- It works if I change the last line in my program to:

 ,(let ((a (request)) (b (request))) "Not here")))))))

(in the this case I request the same form twice)

Seems to be a small problem with the HTTP-header part?

In case I am doing something wrong, I would be very glad for some

Best Regards

Petter Egesund

Here is a version of the program, wich is a strip-down of the enclosed


(require (lib "unitsig.ss")
         (lib "servlet-sig.ss" "web-server")
         (lib "servlet-helpers.ss" "web-server")
         (lib "date.ss"))

(unit/sig () (import servlet^)
  ; request-number : str -> num
  (define (request)
      (request-bindings (send/suspend (build-request-page))))
  ; build-request-page : str -> str -> response
  (define (build-request-page)
    (lambda (k-url) (display k-url)
      `(html (head (title "Enter a Number to Add Me"))
             (body ([bgcolor "white"])
                   (form ([action ,k-url] [method "post"])
                         "Enter the number to add: "
                         (input ([type "radio"] [name "q1"] [value "A"]))
                         (input ([type "radio"] [name "q1"] [value "B"]))
                         (input ([type "text"] [name "number"] [value ""]))
                         (p "small inline 24")
                         (input ([type "submit"] [name "enter"] [value
   (lambda (k-url)
     `(html (head (title "Sum"))
            (body ([bgcolor "white"])
                  (p "The sum is "
                     ,(let ((a (request)) ) "Not here")))))))



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