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Re: [plt-scheme] scheme unit/sig (fwd)

In dskippy's case, it isn't so much a question of sticking to MVC. 
It's a question of moving a conventional GUI program to the Web, and
if you have MVC you can do this quickly, if you don't, you're in 
deep trouble. -- Matthias, his professor :)

P.S. If you do have a Scheme server that manages continuations, it's 
actually okay, because you suspend between interactions and keep 
everything alive. 

At Wed, 15 May 2002 21:50:00 GMT, MJ Ray wrote:
> dskippy@ccs.neu.edu <dskippy@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> >   i'm using the plt-scheme web-server and as has been discussed, i'm
> > having a few difficulties with the scoping of send/suspend and still
> > holding true to a strict MVC pattern.  [...]
> A question on a similar theme: how much is MVC valid in the web context? 
> Doesn't it give a lot of superfluous code to be loaded and make it harder to
> adapt the code to the changing requirements?  OK, code loading is not so
> critical for the web-server as CGI.
> Also, what do people think of the Separation of Concerns
> (Logic/Content/Management/Style) promoted by the likes of Cocoon
> http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/ etc?  I'm still slowly crawling in that
> direction with my own work.