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Re: module questions

Quoting Michael Vanier:
> What I want to do would look something like this:
> (module foo mzscheme
>   (provide all)
>   (define (func1 x y z) ...)
>   (define (func2 x y) ...)
>   ...
> )
> or (more often):
> (module foo mzscheme
>   (provide all-but func1 func10 func99)
>   (define (func1 x y z) ...)
>   (define (func2 x y) ...)
>   ...
> )
> This seems fully in keeping with the current syntax.

Yes. You mean `all-defined', right? (As oppposed to

> On a completely unrelated note, I've been going through the unit
> documentation, and this question occurred to me: how do you invoke a unit
> that is located in a different file?

I'm not sure I understand the question, but I expect that the answer is
the same as for the question "how do you call a function that is
located in a different file?"
