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Re: Compling under Mac OS X

At 02:11 PM 8/22/2001 -0400, John Clements wrote:
>At 11:55 AM -0400 8/22/01, app13man@mac.com wrote:
>>         I am a student at Ga Tech,  and I was wondering if there was any 
>> way to compile Dr. Scheme for OS X.  Since OS X is essentially BSD, I 
>> just just following the instruction provided, but unfortunately it 
>> didn't work.  This is the error that I got after configuring and running 
>> the make file.  I'm not that Unix savvy, but I know the basic commands.
>There are two answers to your question:
>1) MzScheme compiles and runs fine under OS X.  The sources for this can 
>be had by Anonymous CVS, though when you deal with our Anonymous CVS'ed 
>code, you don't get the regular guarantees of support and/or success.
>2) DrScheme is a whole different can of worms.  It sounds like you're 
>trying to compile the UNIX/X sources on the mac.  This won't work at 
>all.  These sources all rely upon the X Windows libraries, which are not a 
>part of OS X. In fact, OS X uses a graphical subsystem that is utterly 
>unrelated to X windows.  (The appearance of the letter 'X' in both 'X 
>Windows' and 'OS X' is not helping here at all.)  The short answer is that 
>I'm working on this, and it should be done in a month or two.

It should be noted that there are ports of the X Windows system to Mac OS 
X, and it is possible to install X and then use tools from GIMP to your 
personal variant of x-eyes. People interested in doing this should look 
into "fink", a package manager for Mac OS X.  I do not know if this would 
help your compilation problem, however (and an Aqua version of DrScheme 
would clearly be preferable).

Michael Hannemann