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Re: [OFFTOPIC, ...] [was: peasant revolt ...]

   X-Authentication-Warning: fast.cs.utah.edu: majordom set sender to owner-plt-scheme@flux.cs.utah.edu using -f
   Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 16:37:56 +0000
   From: Jerzy Karczmarczuk <karczma@info.unicaen.fr>
   Organization: University of Caen, France
   X-Accept-Language: fr-FR, en
   CC: plt-scheme@fast.cs.utah.edu
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
   Sender: owner-plt-scheme@fast.cs.utah.edu
   Precedence: bulk

   Matthias Felleisen wrote:

   > Jerry is also wrong about us not teaching `useful' things with
   > Scheme. Pretty soon, you will see extensions of HtDP that show how 
   > a fourth week student can create Web trees ...

      I did not criticize YOU.
      I noticed that everywhere in the world, where Scheme is taught, the
      focus is on "introductory programming", and the applicative side
      is rather weak. Show me a popular book on graphics, etc. where
      the algorithms are presented in Scheme.

I didn't take it as personal criticism. But I tried to explain what
curriculum we are building together. 

      Show me the Scheme variant of "Numerical Recipes", etc. THIS was
      my point. 


      You have done a wonderful job, I am very grateful. Of course you
      teach useful things. But you alone won't save the world.

No I won't. We all need each others help. We need to partition the labor.
Some of us are good at writing Schemes. Thanks Matthew. Others write
Programming Environment. Thanks Robby. Some write books that bridge the gap
to Java. Thanks Max. A lot of you embed MzScheme into C programs and do
real engineering, which shows the world where the line is to be
drawn. Thanks. 

It's probably impossible to make up a strategic plan but if a "movement"
can emerge, let's go for it. 

-- Matthias