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Re: PLT Scheme development directions

Matthew Flatt <mflatt@cs.utah.edu> wrote:

> > Would the plt-scheme mailing list be a better place for discussing
> > such things?  (I notice that it doesn't have much discussion on
> > the design of PLT Scheme.)
> Probably that would be the best place.

Okay, I am following up to the mailing list.

> > For instance, I am starting to find the restriction that imported
> > variables may not be re-exported to be a problem.
> There's a specific reason for this restriction. Suppose we had the
> following program:
>  (define u1 (unit (import x) (export x) (printf "~a~n" x)))
>  (define u2 (unit (import y) (export y) (printf "~a~n" y)))
>  (define cpd
>    (compound-unit
>     (import)
>     (link [ONE (u1 (TWO y))]
>           [TWO (u2 (ONE x))])
>     (export)))
> We have a variable to use in each of u1 and u2, but there are no
> variable definitions - the variables don't actually exist!
> The `compound-unit' form could, of course, detect such cycles, assuming
> that a unit provides information about its re-exports. But the
> underlying problem would make the semantics and implementation of units
> far more complex, so we chose to avoid the problem by disallowing
> re-export.

I can see how implementing this could be tricky.  First I must admit
that I haven't actually looked at how units are implemented in
MzScheme, though I can guess.  I presume MzScheme only ever allocates
one location per variable.

My implementation of units doesn't have the luxury of dealing with
locations directly, so, during unit invocation, when a value is bound
(by evaluating a `define' form in the unit), the code just ensures the
value becomes visible in units which import the variable by `set!'ting
it in their environments.  In this model, re-export of variables is
not a problem, because it can be done the same way as normal
exporting.  If a cycle occurs (as in your example above), the variable
just never gets initialised.

So you could implement re-export in MzScheme a similar way, by copying 
imported variables to export, giving more than one location per
variable.  This is by-the-by, however, because I think there are
better ways of doing things (that avoid having to use more than one
location per variable at all).

There's obviously the question of why I wanted to do re-exporting of
variables to start with.  It wasn't actually a very good reason:  I
wanted to be able to avoid duplicating signature restrictions all over 
the place in a compound-unit/sig form.  I thought maybe I could pass a 
tag to a unit which just re-exported its import with a restricted
signature, and bind the result to a new tag.  Not elegant at all, and
it also doesn't work.

But I can imagine there are good reasons for wanting to do re-export,
such as extending a unit to export more variables.  This can be done
with PLT units, but only at run time -- it can't be done within a
compound-unit/sig form -- which means that you can't have unit
invocations be shared.  The unit being extended (if it is extended
more than once) may get invoked multiple times, which is wasteful.

What it all boils down to is the problem that compound-unit/sig isn't
expressive enough.  You can't put a conditional inside it, so if it
contains a set of units that can be replaced by another set of units,
these sets must be lifted out into their own compound-unit/sig forms.
This involves lots of plumbing of imports and exports between the
different linking statements, which is fiddly and inelegant.

The basic problem is that unit *invocations* can't be passed around at
the Scheme level, they are confined to the unexpressive language of
compound-unit/sig.  Units themselves can be passed around at the
Scheme level, which is wonderful, but you can't really use this
ability to link complex programs together, because unit invocations
end up not being shared, and units can't be mutually linked at this
level (the main advantage of units).

(BTW, I hope you follow me when I use the term `unit invocation',
because I don't think you use it in your papers on units.  Consider
the analogy:

(define (f)
  (let ((x 0))
    (lambda ()
      ... ; code whose return value depends on x, and modifies it

f is a constant (analagous to a unit), but the function it returns
(analagous to a unit invocation) will be different each time.)

My solution to this problem is to manipulate unit linking descriptions 
at the Scheme level, and to use unification to make it easy to
describe mutual dependence and partially-linked units.  I'll describe
it briefly.

There is a collection of `variables', each of which may be bound to a
unit invocation (or not).  Each is associated either with a signature, 
or with a set of signatures that must be satisfied.

Variables can:
 * Be created, with (%let-vars (X Y ...) ...)
 * Be unified, with (%unify X Y)
 * Be bound to a unit invocation, with (%link unit@ in V), where
   `unit@' is a unit, `in' is a list of variables giving unit
   invocations to import, and `V' is the variable to bind the
   invocation to.
 * Be bound via signature restrictions, with (%restrict sig IN OUT).

This is nice because you get re-export for free, if you want it.
compound-unit/sig forms can be re-written as procedures which take
variables as arguments, and an input can be passed through just by
unifying it with the output variable.  The circularity problem of
re-exporting variables disappears, because unbound variables are
easily detected.  Also, imports and exports become symmetric, which is
elegant.  Sub-units are no longer necessary, because they can be
achieved by passing around alists of variables (or more complicated

I've implemented this; my code generates a compound-unit/sig form
which it passes to `eval'.  I'll release some code in a couple of days 
which should make this terse description clearer.

An obvious generalisation is to have unification variables bound to
actual variables (uh oh, clash of terminology here) rather than to
signed unit invocations, and have signatures provided by a library of
functions (rather than a syntax library, as in PLT units).

I was going to leave trying this generalisation until later.  However,
I've decided I need to re-write my implementation of core units
(expanding the compound-unit form takes O(n^2) time instead of O(n)
because I was lazy when I wrote that code), and I realised, when I
started rewriting it, that using the unification approach would be a
lot simpler.  So I will try this in the next day or two and then
release some code.

So, the obvious question now is, what do you think of these ideas?

         Mark Seaborn
   - mseaborn@bigfoot.com - http://members.xoom.com/mseaborn/ -

  ``Water boils at a lower temperature at high altitude, which partly
     accounts for the nasty taste of coffee on the summit of Mauna Kea''