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Newbie Mr.Ed question

	I have been working on my first GUI project to familiarise myself with
Mr. Ed.  Everything was going along nicely, until I switched OS from
Windows to Linux.  Under Linux I am experiencing problems with the
following code:

(define right-answer
  (lambda ()
      (send message1 set-label "You're right!") ;message% object
      (sleep 2)
      (send message1 next-question))))

Under Windows this does what I want it to do (says "You're right" for
two seconds then puts up the string stored in next-question.)  But in
Linux (Corel Linux 2.0 with KDE) it (version 103) pauses two seconds,
then goes straight on to next-question.  It does this no matter what I
try, viz.:

  (send message1 show #f)
  (send message1 set-label "You're right")
  (send message1 show #t)
  (send message1 refresh)
  (sleep 2)
  (send message1 next-question)

Which STILL doesn't work (nor any combination thereof).  Is this a
problem with Mr. Ed, a problem with X Windows/KDE's redrawing behaviour,
or a problem with my inept code? (And if so what am I doing wrong?)
