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I used this code in version 101 and it compiled ok, now in version 
103 it doesnt work anymore.

; Loading the library needed for compiling
(require-library "compile.ss" )
; Compiling the main file:
; -the source is the main file of the program
; -the destination is the name of the compiled program
; -the flage 'expand-load means that all the load command in the main file are
; expanded and compiled in the destination
; the source is specified as a string. Replace with whatever is appropriate.
(define source "main.scm")
; the destination is specified as a string. Replace with whatever is 
(define destination "Logo.zo")
(compile-file source destination (list 'expand-load))

Now in version 103 i get this error message:

. signature: invalid use of signature name mred^

What should i change to make it work with version 103 ?
