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Re: 3D

----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Pettyjohn <GregP@bsquare.com>
To: <plt-scheme@fast.cs.utah.edu>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 8:10 PM
Subject: RE: 3D

> Well, it appears that there is lots of interest in writing a binding for a
> 3d library such as OpenGL.

You should be able to get both OpenGL and DirectX via Microsoft's DotNet
from Scheme shortly - I understand that DotNet Scheme is currently under

One obvious limitation is that DotNet will (for now? forever?) be Windows

Given the reports coming in from people I know who have worked with DotNet
far (mostly Smalltalkers) DotNet seems a very effective system - a decent
Scheme compiler could be the best chance for using Scheme for a wide range
of commercial applications ever, although I suspect that my own company's
DotNet language will either be C# or Smalltalk.

Jonathan Coupe