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Re: Multimedia in DrScheme

> Perhaps if you have something working partially, others 
> on this list would be interested in lending you a hand ...

Perhaps its time for a DrScheme multimedia project on
SourceForge. There certainly seem to be a lot of people interested in

Some random comments on:

.net common runtime

Well, it isn't the magic panacea. The biggest problem to liberally
grabbing code from others (other than Not Invented Here) is the
different programming paradigms that different languages
encourage. Eg, Smalltalk is about areas of local state passing
messages to one another. Scheme is about the flow of values from
function to function. A library designed for one will feel unnatural
in the other.

Also see SWIG http://www.swig.org/ It has MzScheme support in version

Mark's original question:
> (a) these functions are already available, and how I get to them? or

The functions are availabe, but they are delayed values. No one has
got around to forcing them yet. ;-) 

> (b) how to extend DrScheme to allow these facilities?

See the DrScheme extension manual in help-desk.

Noel Welsh
http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/~noelw/   noelw@dai.ed.ac.uk