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Re: tcp-connect error

> I didn't pay any attention to the original message, so I don't know
> *how quickly* he is running out.  But I can offer the recipe for
> finding out how big a range is configured for local ports. (Normally
> it is big enough to not be an issue except for really buggy code.)  To
> find the range, use the following command:
> cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range

[overcode@linux] overcode$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range 
1024    4999

That shouldn't be a problem - I'm not running anything else that would
be taking up thousands of ports. I'll try the code on an earlier
(2.2.13) kernel. I suspect it will work. The strange thing is that I'm
not getting errors with any other apps (other than the fact that I'm
using a 28.8k dialup and everything is doggedly slow).

Meanwhile I'll grab the MzScheme code and see if I can figure out
anything from that.
