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RE: MzScheme Special Form -> Native Numerical Code?

>> Are you sure that all users of a DLL share global variables?
>> I believe that is true *within* a process, but untrue *between*
>> processes.
>> -- Paul
>Well, I always might be wrong... 
>It looks like you are totally correct.
>Thanks for pointing this out.

We confronted this issue in building MzCOM, PLT's
Scheme COM server.

Our initial implementation used an in-process .DLL.  When
a COM client instantiated MzCOM more than once, we were
likely to get a crash, precisely because each instantiation
shared global variables in the .DLL.  Moving the
implementation to an out-of-process .EXE fixed the problem
(at the cost of some performance).

-- Paul

| Paul Steckler, Ph.D.       |     Rice University PLT           | 
| steck@cs.rice.edu          |     DrScheme Project              |
| Tel:  713/348-3814         |     http://www.cs.rice.edu/~steck |
| FAX:  713/348-5930         |     *** Ad astra per hackera ***  |