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Re: 3 questions (portable HTTP server, GUI toolkit, HTML generation)

A few tidbits on top of Shriram's answer: 

   Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 00:30:50 -0400
   From: "Patrick Giagnocavo" <a222@redrose.net>
   X-Priority: 3
   Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
   Sender: owner-plt-scheme@fast.cs.utah.edu
   Precedence: bulk


   I have been reading through the documentation and have not been able to find
   answers to my questions...

   2.  I have been looking for more info on "how to get started" in
   programming the GUI toolkit.  I have a relatively simple (from a GUI
   standpoint) application.

I don't know how simple your thing is, but we teach the model-view-controller 
architecture in our introductory course, using a teachpacks that offers not 
more than four or five gui elements (and even fewer operations on them). 

To get started, you "make-" some elements. 
Then you arrange them in a "matrix" (list of lists)
and give it to the "create-window" function. 

A button to quit is a one-liner: 

  (create-frame (list (list (make-button "QUIT" hide-window))))

W/o the teachpack, it expands to two (not so pretty) lines (for beginners).

If you're asking for that level of "getting started", I can put up some Web
pages today. If not, you will have to wait until late fall. 

   3.  The web pages for DrScheme mention that Rice students are taught how to
   generate many Web pages by writing programs.  Has anyone designed a
   "language" for doing this, with the sort of utility functions that are
   commonly needed (includes, table of contents generation, next and previous
   links, etc) already written?  If so, a link would be greatly appreciated.  I
   seem to recall a web site in Europe somewhere that dealt with LML - Lisp
   markup language; no doubt there is something similar somewhere for Scheme.

LAML, which Shriram mentioned, runs under MzScheme. Check it out. Perhaps
it is what you're looking for.

In my own experience, I write these little scripts from scratch using the
XML collection that Shriram mentioned. 

If you build something, let us all know. 

-- Matthias