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Re: Development/Production versions (was RE: CVS)

On Feb 18, Noel Welsh wrote:
>  Eli Barzilay was/is working on a FFI for MzScheme that allows one
> to easily call functions in C shared objects. It hasn't made it
> isn't the PLT repository yet.

I kind of lost track of this and scanned my mailbox now.  I thought
that I sould mention again exactly how little is there before anyone
gets any illusions...  Just wanted to say again that my thing is a
very crude hack at this moment, and that it doesn't handle anything
besides ints and compatible types.  The next thing to do is use those
pointers and see if there is a portable library that is convenient to
use to do the OS dependent stuff, but as it looks now, I wont have
time for the next 2 years or so...

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
         http://www.cs.cornell.edu/eli/meaning.html        Maze is Life!