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Re: Development/Production versions (was RE: CVS)

>>>>> "CBB" == Christopher B Browne <chris.browne@sabre.com> writes:
    CBB> There's a "g-wrap" system where you describe the bindings between C and
    CBB> Scheme in Scheme form.  This is extensively used with GnuCash to attach
    CBB> Scheme bindings to C functions and vice-versa to allow scripting in
    CBB> Guile.  g-wrap also supports RScheme, which I *think* has something to
    CBB> do with Rice?

    CBB> <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~chrislee/Software/g-wrap/> is the home of
    CBB> g-wrap.

Does it support C++ class libraries??

thanks, Leo