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Re: Development/Production versions (was RE: CVS)

>>>>> "MF" == Matthew Flatt <mflatt@cs.utah.edu> writes:
    MF> Our strategy for now is to make the latest code as stable as possible,
    MF> hopefully with the help of many fine testers. Meanwhile, we're trying
    MF> recruit new hackers, and maybe we'll be able to support a more
    MF> fine-grained bug-fix system in the future.
    MF> Hope that clarifies things,
    MF> Matthew

The reason I was inquiring into the PLT versioning scheme was that I would like
to help with the PLT Scheme development. Due to time limitations and my
relatively little experience in Scheme (but 7+years of C/C++ development counts
towards my credit:-) I cannot commit to any specific subproject (for now at
least) but I am thinking along the lines of improving MzScheme interface to Unix
system calls and library functions (no porting scsh, sorry:-) as well as some
bug fixes.

In this regard, is there any tool available which (like SWIG) can generate glue
code for a C/C++ library to be linked into MzSheme? I found a tool from PLT
called 'xcctocc' which supposedly does exactly that. But it is for MzScheme v53
and it seems nowhere to be found in v101.

-- Leo

+  Leonid Razoumov,               +  E-mail: lrazoumov@qualcomm.com   +
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