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29.5.4 Directory Structure

The linux subdirectory in the OSKit source tree is organized as follows. The top-level linux/dev directory contains all the glue code implemented by the Flux project to squash the Linux drivers into the OSKit driver framework. linux/fs contains our glue for Linux filesystems, and linux/shared contains glue used by both components. In general, everything except the code in the linux/src directory was written by us, whereas everything under linux/src comes verbatim from Linux. Each of the subdirectories of linux/src corresponds to the identically named subdirectories of in the Linux kernel source tree.

Of course, there are a few necessary deviations from this rule: a few of the Linux header and source files are slightly modified, and a few of the Linux header files (but no source files) were completely replaced. The header files that were heavily modified include:

Linux task and scheduling declarations

University of Utah Flux Research Group