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17.2.2 svm_alloc: allocate a region of virtual memory



#include <oskit/svm/svm.h>

int svm_alloc(oskit_addr_t *addr, oskit_size_t length, int prot, int flags);


Allocate a region of virtual memory, returning the base address of the new region in addr. The region is length bytes in size, and is initialized to the page level protection specified by prot. The size of the allocation must be an integral number of pages. The caller can optionally specify the (page aligned) base address at which to place the region by providing a non-zero value in addr. The actual base address might differ if the system cannot place the region at that address. Alternatively, if the flags value contains SVM_ALLOC_FIXED, and the region cannot be placed at the requested address, the allocation will fail and return an error code.


The location in which to store the base address of the new region. Also used to provide an optional address.
The size of the new region in bytes. Must be an integral number of pages.
Page level protection of the new region, composed of SVM_PROT_READ and SVM_PROT_WRITE.
Optional flags.


Returns zero on success. Returns OSKIT_E_INVALIDARG if either the base address or the size of the allocation is not page aligned. Returns OSKIT_E_OUTOFMEMORY if the region cannpt be assigned to the fixed location requested by the caller.


svm_dealloc, svm_protect

University of Utah Flux Research Group