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6.12.3 osenv_mem_free: free memory allocated with osenv_mem_alloc



void osenv_mem_free(void *block, osenv_memflags_t flags, oskit_size_t size);


Component tex2html_wrap_inline32841 OS, Blocking


Frees a memory block previously allocated by osenv_mem_alloc.

XXX: While this is defined as blocking, the current glue code cannot yet handle this blocking, as it is not prepared for another request to enter the component. This will be fixed.


A pointer to the memory block, as returned from osenv_mem_alloc.
Flags indicating deallocation semantics required. Only OSENV_AUTO_SIZE and OSENV_NONBLOCKING are meaningful in this context. OSENV_AUTO_SIZE must be set if and only if it was set during the allocation, and OSENV_NONBLOCKING indicates that the deallocation operation must not block.
If flags doesn't include OSENV_AUTO_SIZE, then this parameter must be the size requested when this block was allocated. Otherwise, the value of the size parameter is meaningless.

University of Utah Flux Research Group