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Re: Multiple Interfaces, multiple nchannels, more....

> [Janos Admin note: this message was bounced by majordomo (length).
> Apologies if it doesn't come through to the list cleanly.]
> Hi all,
> 	We're trying to put together a DNS caching scheme here.  In pursuit of
> it, we are in need of a way to filter DNS traffic, and are trying to
> utilize native ANTS functions to do this.  Unfortunately we are
> encountering roadblocks in our understanding.  We have three fundamental
> questions which are tripping us up:
> 1.	Does ANTS permit multiple physical interfaces?  Multiple nchannels on
> each physical interface?

no, sorry, it can only listen on a single port

> 2.	The ordering of src and dst addresses and ports is unsettling.  There
> appears to be a disconnect between the ANTS scripts/documentation, the
> API, and ConfigurationManager.java.

when using nchannel the arguments are regular NodeOS address and protocol
specs.  The channel directive takes a special format.

> 3.       How can we capture non=anep header traffic? 

ants doesn't have anything to do this, you'd have to write an ANTS
application that captured the packets somehow.  Once the app had the
packets it could then create capsules and inject them into the network.

> 	The attached has considerable background, illustration, and detail which
> bring these questions into better focus.  Any ideas?

I'll give it a look sometime soon.

> Regards,
> P. Lutz/G. Tennant

tim stack

[ Janos ] [ OSKit ] [ Network Testbed ] [ Flick ] [ Fluke ]
Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah