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Re: Janos VM patch

> According to the last error, it looks like the JANOSVM needs a stride
> scheduler for the threads....

Its needed if you want cpu resource controls.  Otherwise, you could just
comment out the lines in moab_Node.c and everything will work fine.

> I have seen that there are some flags to set in the threads directory of the 
> Oskit source tree in order to enable the stride scheduler...

You might also want to compile with `-DJANOSDEMO', or not, our versions
are probably a bit out of sync.  Basically, just grep for JANOSDEMO in the
oskit and add it into the oskit/threads/MakeFlags file.

> I also set Moab to use the stride scheduler in arch.mk... and now 
> I am recompiling all the components...
> (probably the fact that the stride scheduler is needed should be documented)

Sorry, it was just a hack that we used in a demo, we didn't realize it
snuck through.

> and it worked !!!!  :D  :D   yeeaaaahhhhh!!

So the VM compiled?  Did gmake work or did you have to continue to tweak
it manually?  Did the make check work?

> What am I supposed to do now ??
> Install jnodeos and ANTS ??


> how cane I make a single big bootable image to run my ants App on ??

You need to make a bmod with the following command:

	--kerneldir=<the directory to dump the bmod>
	--kaffedir=<the directory where janosvm is installed>
	--oskitdir=<the directory where the oskit is installed>
	--classarchive=<the location of the JanosVM.jar class archive>
	--classarchive=<the location of any other jar files>
	--explicitfile=<janosvm src directory>/kaffe/etc/janosvm-root.config
	--explicitfile=<jvm src dir>/kaffe/etc/janosvm-fake.config
 --explicitfile=<jvm build dir>/tests/janosvm/jvm.config:/etc/tests_config
	--explicitfile=<file in local fs>:<location in bmod>

But, baby steps first, get the oskit's netboot running on a machine.  Put
your bmod created above into a directory that can be nfs mounted by the
netbooted machine.  Tell netboot to run it with these command line

  -noexit -jsiprovider plex:udp:eth4/<machine ip>/8192 -config

Hopefully, it should start up without any problems...  You can test it by
running `<jvm install dir>/bin/jsihey plex:udp:<machine ip>/8192
list'.  If it prints out something like:

Normal reply:
  result = `teams'
  result = `team'

Then its running, next, run try to run the tests.  Go into the
test/janosvm directory in the build tree and run:

 env TEST_MACHINE=plex:udp:<machine ip>/8192 make check

If that passes most of the tests, tell the vm to quit with:

 jsihey plex:udp:<machine ip>/8192 shutdown

Rebuild the bmod with whatever files needed to run ants (jar files, config
files, etc...).  And rerun it from netboot like you would normally do it
to run ants...

> thanks
> A

tim stack

[ Janos ] [ OSKit ] [ Network Testbed ] [ Flick ] [ Fluke ]
Flux Research Group / Department of Computer Science / University of Utah